1st quarter 2021
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Cornerstone" (1916).
The tragedy of the Ukrainian people – this huge, multi-million mass, deprived of language as a cultural and educational tool.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Yu. Kulakovsky. Newly published Byzantine treatise on military affairs" (1902).
The respected author interprets that the Rusyns are here called neighbors against the Crimean provinces of Byzantium.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Stumbling block" (1916).
The Ukrainian question continues to be a stumbling block for many and many on the threshold of the great Russia of the future – Russia of free and equal peoples.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Bartosza Paprockiego dwie broszury polityczne z lat 1587 i 1588» (1901).
First, complete inconsistency: this is a publishing house of curiosities that have nothing to do with each other in terms of time or content; secondly – the lack of scientific apparatus.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "New Year" (1916).
Will this terrible war end in real peace, disarmament, revival, and the strengthening of the free and unrestricted development of society?
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “N. Rozhkov. Political parties in Veliky Novgorod, XII-XV centuries" (1901).
The first and fundamental mistake of the author is that he put dynastic relations "at the forefront" – the parties of the Monomakhovichs and Olgovichs.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "From Ukrainian life (4)" (1915).
If Ukrainism could pick up certain circles as a kind of slogan hostile to Russia, then the blame is obviously in the irreconcilable tendency to eradicate the very national existence of the Ukrainian people.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publisharticle "Letter of King Stephen Batory to the Kalga from 1577" (1901).
The attack of the Tatars on Volhynia, which is discussed here, occurred, as Kalga himself explained in a letter to the Wallachian voivode, as a result of the fact that "Hetman Shah" with cossacs defeated his (?) ambassador.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "From Ukrainian life (3)" (1915).
The recent congress of the right acted quite logically, strongly opposing the wishes in the field of softening national relations, and in particular declaring any tolerance towards Ukrainians unacceptable.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "The News of the Tavricheskaya scientific archival commission" (1901).
As for the all-Slavic scientific and literary language, then, without predicting whether or not it will ever be, the author himself must admit that it does not exist.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "From Ukrainian life (2)" (1915).
This course, which is not in favor of Ukrainians, continues to be in full force, to the detriment not only of Ukrainian life, but also to the unconditional detriment of state interests.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności» (1901).
These other explorations may be of average, greater or lesser interest to us: Ol. Brickner – "Kazania sredniwieczne", Part III – a review of several Polish preachers of the XV century.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "From Ukrainian life (1)" (1915).
He was a physically weak but full of tireless energy, a practitioner, one of the legion that created the social, economic, cultural life of Ukrainian Galicia in recent decades.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Proceedings of the Podolsk Diocesan Historical and Statistical Committee" (1901).
In this volume, historical, church-statistical, sometimes ethnographic and economic information is given under each village. The so-called parish chronicles served as the basis.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Excessive doubts" (1915).
Everyone can be hurt in the present times – compassion, pity, anger, revenge – only for despair, for hopelessness there is no place.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "The Works of Constantine Porphyrogenitus" (1901).
In general, one can be surprised that in a scientific journal like "Proceedings" had been published such an amateurish and unknown for whom and for whom the work was written and needed.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Mortal dust" (1915).
Having provided information about this legion, Mr. Kulakovsky resorted to considerations of its origin and, out of unknown motives, tried to put the blame for its creation on my humble persona.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «О źródłach heraldyki ruskiej (About the sources of Rus’ heraldry)» (1901).
I do not intend to exhaust this case, but I want to point out some too strong gaps or errors in Dr. Pekosinsky’s views.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "At the crossroads" (1915).
The response to quite correct behavior, to the declaration of loyalty were various repressions against the Ukrainian word, literature, public organizations and the defeat of the common property of Ukraine.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "A. Shakhmatov. The Primary Chronicle and Its Sources" (1901).
At the same time, the author briefly expresses the results of his research on the Hellenic chronicler: different editions and versions of him are an abbreviation of an extensive encyclopedia.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "On the anniversary of the war" (1915).
However, the months measured by the seers passed, and instead of soothing talk about the short duration of the war, proposals began to be heard to prepare for its long continuation.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a preface to Volume XXI of the" Russian Historical Library".
In this volumes we present two explorations, close to each other in time, school and the material on which they are based. Both were published by the Kyiv Archaeological Commission.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Sarajevo tragedy" (1914).
At the other end of the state, various more or less fantastic plans to resolve the Ukrainian question began to be associated with his name.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "A. G. Timofeev. The history of corporal punishment in Russian law" (1901).
Warn readers not to hope for anything from the history of Ukrainian law. The author deals with the law of the Moscow State and the Russian Empire.
Annual report
Annual report on site operation in 2020 now is published.
Annual report of the website «Mikhailo Hrushevsky» for the 2020 year – 424 thousands visitors.