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Mykhajlo Hrushevsky

Encyclopedia of life and creativity


Annual report 2013

Statistical data in the report presented on the basis of web server and CMS Smereka statistics. Usage of Google analytics data noted separately.

Site volume

Nodes 1222
Attributes 8527
Data size 8.61 Mb
Files 129
Files size 10.77 Mb
Digital sheets 232.33

[The number of digital sheets] = [number of nodes] / 1000 + [number of attributes] / 10000 + [Total volume of all attributes in bytes] / 40000 + [Total volume of files in MB] / 2.5


Dynamics of attendance by years

Dynamics of attendance site «Mykhajlo…

Dynamics of attendance in the 2013 year

Dynamics of attendance of site…

There are total 72 857 visitors during year

The most successful month of the 2013 year – December

Dynamics of attendance of site…

Distribution of visitors by countries

2.(not set)5.35%
4.United States0.44%

According to Google analytics

10 most requested documents

Biography 2137
News 754
Encyclopedia of the life and creativity of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky 749
Publicistics 441
Historical works 364
Studies 328
M.Hrushevsky's correspondence 297
Gallery 283
In 1901 196
Portraits 193

10 most requested search expression

грушевского история украины-руси7
михайло грушевський6
михаил грушевский биография4
свитогляд.давних словян4
биография грушевского3
біографія михайла грушевського3
лист до нечуя левицького3
русько-візантійські відносини3

According to Google analytics