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Mykhajlo Hrushevsky

Encyclopedia of life and creativity


4th quarter 2021

New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "I. V. Yakubovsky. Zemsky Privileges of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania" (1903).

Mr. Yakubovsky’s work belongs to the very necessary detailed studios on the documentary material itself.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish brochure "Where did Ukrainianness come from and what is it about?" (1917).

Present Ukraine and its past / Initiations of the new Ukrainianness / "Ukrainian question" / New Ukrainianness of the XIX century / What are these claims / Our tasks

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Archieraticon of the Kyiv Metropolis from the middle of the XIV century" (1903).

The publisher, publishing his excerpts, does not suspect that he is dealing with things that have long been known, published, described and used in scientific literature for a long time.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish brochure "Who are the Ukrainians and what do they want?" (1917).

Where did the name Ukrainians come from? / Who are the Ukrainians? / What should be the new system that Ukrainians want? / What rights needs for Ukraine

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Capitaine Breveté Niessel. Les cosaques» (1903).

However, there is little historical information here (and, of course, very bad quality), all attention is paid to the current organization of the Cossack troops in Russia.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "Provisional Ukrainian Government" (1917).

We must ensure the freedom of Ukraine, restore its old democracy, the right of the people to govern all their affairs. It’s a big deal, a time like no other since Khmelnytsky.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «D[octo]r Wiktor Czermak. Sprawa równouprawnienia schizmatyków і katolików na Litwie (1432-1563 r.)» (1903).

Professor Chermak’s article will be very valuable especially for Polish scholars, who are still very difficult to navigate in everything that goes beyond Polish scientific literature.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "The end of the old cunning" (1917).

It was possible to unite, understand, organize and with the joint forces of the people – the peasantry, workers, soldiers and intellectuals to bring good to their land and people.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Unpaid Kyiv tax on to a house" (1903).

Tax on to a chimney house, in exchange for other dues and payments, was news, and here they were in no hurry: in 1596 the this fee had not been paid since 1569.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish appeal "To Ukrainian comrades" (1917).

I transfer all these cases to the Secretariat of the Central Rada, where I should apply in political matters (Kyiv, Volodymyrska Street, Pedagogical Museum).

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «D[octo]r Władysław Abraham. Biskupstwa lacińskie w Mołdawii w wieku XIV і XV» (1903).

There is something here for the history of the Latin Church in Galicia: yes, the author cites an interesting bull from January 17, 1372, which placed the Galician diocese under the tutelage of the Seret bishop.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "What kind of autonomy and federation do we want?" (1917).

What do Ukrainians want / What is autonomy / National-territorial autonomy / What are the benefits of such autonomy?

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «N.A. Maksimeiko. Diets of the Lithuanian-Russian state before the Lublin Union of 1569" (1903).

The starting point for him is the belief that the diets of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was formed as the sum of the diets of individual lands of the Grand Duchy.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "Is Ukraine only for Ukrainians?" (1917).

Ukraine is not only for Ukrainians, but for all who live in Ukraine, and living, loving it, and loving, wants to work for the good of the land and its people, to serve it, not to plunder, not to exploit for themselves.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish article "On the case of chronological connection in the Galician-Volyn chronicle" (1903).

What would be left of the chronicle if, without having years, we wanted to throw out such chronological definitions?

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "After the Ukrainian National Congress, April 6-8" (1917).

The doors of the congress were wide open, and a really thick stream of a new element flowed into them, among which the old guard of ancient Ukrainian organizations was lost.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "B.A. Vakhevych. Western Russian chronicle according to the copy of the Rumyantsev Museum" (1903).

Lacking any valuable original information, the Rumyantsev Codex is very valuable for the history of the Rus’-Lithuanian chronicle writing.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "To peoples of Ukraine" (1917).

The fullness of national life that we seek for the Ukrainian people should not flood other nationalities.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "A.A. Shakhmatov. About the Suprasl copy of the Western Russian chronicle" (1903).

According to Mr. Shakhmatov’s observations, the collection was copied from the original of the mid-15th century, from which the well-known collection of Count Uvarov comes.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "From word to deed!" (1917).

Extensive autonomy of Ukraine within its ethnographic borders in federal connection with the democratic Russian Republic. It is our platform.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Paleographic photographs from Russian manuscripts of the XII-XVII centuries" (1903).

As can be seen from the short preface to this edition, it should serve as a textbook for teaching paleography.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "There is no turning back" (1917).

The pursuit of democracy and a purely democratic system in an autonomous Ukraine, connected only by a federal connection with the regions of the Russian state, is our old slogan.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish article "Several diplomas of Volodyslav Opolsky" (1903).

The first three letters belong to the first, real possession of Galicia by Opolsky. The first document was known so far only from Skrobishevsky’s mention.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "To the All-Ukrainian Congress!" (1917).

It is necessary that the congress on April 6 – 8 turned out as full as possible. Because of this, not counting the short time before the congress, it is necessary to organize delegations to it as widely as possible.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish article "Several documents on the history of the rural clergy in Galicia in the XVII – XVIII centuries" (1903).

In the meantime, the scholarly public, I am sure, will gratefully accept this small but valuable collection of foundations and other documents of rural parishes from the western part of Galician Russia, built by Mr. M. Zubrytsky.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish article "From the old and the new" (1917).

The example of the Russian Revolution and the Federal Republic of Russia will lead to other peoples of Europe, and the European People’s Federation will emerge from the Russian Federation.

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