4th quarter 2018
31 Dec 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published «Few notes to" Miracle of St. Clement of the Pope of Rome" (1902).
So from these chronological conclusions it would have been that "Clement’s Praise" (so it will be called) is much younger than "Miracle".
29 Dec 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "Kyiv" (1910).
Kyiv is the oldest Ukrainian city, the original Ukrainian capital, and there are few such ancient cities as it is in the whole world.
27 Dec 2018 New article on scientific organization
We publish speech at the ordinary general meeting of the Scientific Society. Shevchenko June 29, 1904.
In the past year, the Society finished ten years from its first reform on the model of the European academies of sciences. Later changes brought it closer to such an academic organization.
25 Dec 2018 New review
We publush review "Lviv Shevchenko’s Scientific Society named its contributions to the study of Southern Russia".
Already now, what is the state of affairs on some issues – the researcher can not move without reading works, made and published on these issues by the Shevchenko Society.
23 Dec 2018 New obituary
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with obituary "Mitrophan Dykariv" (1900).
The deceased was from Voronezh region, from the ethnographic boundary of the Ukrainian and Great Russian people, and his interests attracted the ethnographic features of this borderline population.
11 Dec 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review “Privat-docent R.Veinberg. Slavs and their physical evolution" (1903).
The author really does not want the Slavs to be a mixed type, and he tries to protect them from this, but so that I can’t put together these arguments into any intelligible thesis.
9 Dec 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “F.I.Leontovich. Lord’s yard in the Lithuanian-Russian state” (1896).
The courtyard in the Russian-Lithuanian state, as in Ancient Russia, meant not only the settlement, but also the residence of the prince or lord, or princely or lordly government.
7 Dec 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the cycle of articles "On the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Affairs" (1907). Today – "4. We need to learn the Ukrainian language."
And as the "culture" captures such a man, he inherits his temptation to mix up as much as possible with the elements of the "educated" language into his "simple" language.
5 Dec 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review “N.K. Nikolsky. Materials for the history of ancient Russian spiritual writing, I-IV" (1904).
The finds made by Mr. Nikolsky make us touch once again the burning matter: when the old collections will be systematically studied.
3 Dec 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "Tomb of Sirko" (1909).
He had been famous as a dedicated warrior. Particularly glorious were hiking in the Crimea, for Perekop for the Tatar nomadic ones: many of th Ukrainians slaves were liberated of from the Tatar captivity.
1 Dec 2018 New obituary
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with obituary "For bright memory of Ivan Franko" (1916).
One of the greatest figures nominated by the Ukrainian movement has departed from us forever – a person of great talent, rare social energy, unparalleled versatility and productivity.
29 Nov 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review "The Bulletin of Linguistics, Literature, Ethnology, and Archology of Slavs" (1903).
Quite surprisingly interpreted in the edition Ukrainica. You get such an impression, as if the Czech editor-in-chiefs tried not to enter somehow into conflict with the Pan-Russian views.
27 Nov 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review “S.Shumakov. Acts of the Lithuanian metric about Prince A.M. Kurbsky and his descendants” (1896).
The author makes such an index for documents printed there with the definition of books and sheets. To this adds the titles of 8 documents on Kurbsky, still unknown.
25 Nov 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the cycle of articles "On the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Affairs" (1907). Today – «3. Language is an instrument of national work".
It will be good when this language is enough to exchange ideas, to communicate and advance our cultural and political national work.
23 Nov 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review “V.I. Lamansky. Slavic life of st. Cyril as a religious-epic work and as a historical source” (1904).
Without holding on to any system, the author throws very interesting thoughts more than once along the way, sometimes only goes deeper into various side questions, giving whole trips.
21 Nov 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "Our people from Carpathian lands" (1909).
Each thing Hutsul will decorate, embellish, get good paint. Nowhere are such beautiful craftsmen to products made of wood, leather, copper.
19 Nov 2018 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Alexander Kistiakovsky" (1910).
Kistyakivsky was engaged in many studies of the Ukrainian law – ancient and modern, issued an old draft of Ukrainian laws from the time of the Hetmanate.
17 Nov 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review “V.V. Khvojko. Stone Age of the Middle Dnieper" (1903).
Khvojko, having orientational abilities, came across a large mass of very interesting locations and monuments of prehistoric life, not having the slightest scientific preparation.
15 Nov 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review «Antoni Prochaska. Podole lennem korony (1352 – 1430)» (1896).
Dr. Proskas’ little study touches upon a number of important issues in Podillja’s history, and he wants to say that it is possible to turn the story of Podillja over.
13 Nov 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the cycle of articles "On the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Affairs" (1907). Today – «2. The need to improve the language."
We must cherish in the language we have – to clean it, to improve it, but also to bear its flaws, which can not be corrected right away. And to throw it away at all because of these flaws – it is impossible.
11 Nov 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review “A.P.Vorotnikov. Anna Yaroslavna is the queen of France (1051-1060)” (1903).
Drama as a drama, there were sometimes far worse; the author obviously worked hard on it, but the spirit and atmosphere of the time it gives only to a very small extent.
9 Nov 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "Ukraine" (1909).
Our country stretches from the Kuban to the Sjan River for more than a thousand km and from the Black Sea to the Smolensk region by more than 600 km.
7 Nov 2018 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Alexander Konysky" (1910).
When in Russia the restrictions on the Ukrainian word fell, Koninsky began to write the most in Galicia and in general was one of those who most of all worked hard on connecting Russian Ukraine with Galicia.
5 Nov 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review "The archaeological chronicle of southern Russia" (1903).
For three years of his publication, he failed to attract to a more active participation of archaeologists who are involved in the territory of Russian Ukraine.
3 Nov 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review «Dr. I.Franko. Z dziejów Synodu Brzeskiego 1596 r.» (1896).
Both authors came to such conclusions, recognizing the "Warning" as a memorandum written by the party and shaken.
1 Nov 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the cycle of articles "On the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Affairs" (1907). Today – "1. Harmfulness of disputes over language".
Then they are scrambling for language between themselves and with "Ukrainians", and after these disputes about language and spelling leave, on their part, the field of educational and cultural work.
31 Oct 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review "Russian literature from the XI to the XIX century, inclusive" (1903).
There is included the most important Ukrainian writers who published in Russia, but their works are also shown incompletely and haphazardly, and in fact – even worse, as Russian writers.
29 Oct 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "The duma (thought) about Ganzha Andyber, Hetman of Zaporozhye" (1909).
Separately, there is a good duma about Ganzha Andyber, the hetman of Zaporozhye. It tells about the internal division, which eventually occurred in the Cossacks themselves.
27 Oct 2018 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Ivan Nechui-Levytsky" (1910).
His writings are a precious chronicle of Ukrainian rural life starting from the middle of the past [19] century.
25 Oct 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review “A.A. Stukenberg. Materials for studying the copper (bronze) age of the eastern strip of European Russia” (1903).
In this publication, Mr. Stukenberg submits very rich material from the Volga region — the provinces of Kazan, Vyatka, Ufa and Samara.
23 Oct 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review «Monumenta medii aevi historica, res gestas Poloniae illustrantia, t. 15» (1896).
Despite the more general interest, for example, for the culture of the time, for archeology, the notes of these registers contain many indications of the historical for the period from 1393 – 1420.
21 Oct 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we begin publishing the cycle of articles "On the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian Affairs" (1907).
1. The harmfulness of disputes over language / 2. The need to improve the language / 3. Language is an instrument of national work / 4. It is necessary to study the Ukrainian language.
19 Oct 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review "N.P. Dashkevich. Chivalry in Russia – in life and in poetry" (1903).
Dear Kiev professor touched here one of the interesting questions from the relations of our Rus’-Ukraine to Western life, but, unfortunately, he did not give much to what we could hope for him.
17 Oct 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "From Khmelnytsky’s war" (1909).
Early Cossacks left for the Polish camp for battle, and from the Poles no spirit. They drove closer, and the Polish camp was entirely empty. Then rushed overhead.
15 Oct 2018 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Osip Bodiansky" (1910).
As a professor and even more as an editor, all his life worked hard to explain the Ukrainian past and Ukrainian life, because he greatly loved my country and country.
14 Oct 2018 Switch to secure protocol
From October 14, 2018 (from the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland!) the site begins to work on a secure protocol (https). We recommend updating your bookmarks on the pages of this site.
13 Oct 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review «D[octo]r Włodzimierz Demetrykiеwicz. Neolityczne groby szkieletów tak zw. siedzących (hockergräber) w Przemyskiem i Krakowskiem» (1902).
In the first of these articles, a Krakow archaeologist describes the discovery of burials of the dead in a scorched position in Selisky near Peremyshl.
11 Oct 2018 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review «Monumenta medii aevi historica res gestas Poloniae illustrantia, t. 14» (1896).
The main sources for this volume were: the Jagiellonian and Czartoryski Libraries in Krakow, the Main Archives in Dresden, and the not still-drawn-out State Archives in Königsberg.
9 Oct 2018 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the "Memorial of the Society to the Minister of Education in the Formation of an Independent Ukrainian University in Lviv" (1907).
There is no doubt that the formation of an independent Ukrainian university would encourage the academic qualifications of very numerous scholars who already declared their scientific abilities by independent work.
7 Oct 2018 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review “Plato Melioransky. Turkish elements in the language "Tale about Igor’s campaign" (1902).
The young St. Petersburg orientalist set himself a grateful task – to review and verify the assumptions about the Turkish elements in the language of the "Tale about Igor’s campaign".
5 Oct 2018 New popular article
The section "Popular works" is replenished with article "Zaporozhje Sich" (1909).
Now times passed, when people loved the war, admired the stories of bloody revenge, the abundance of booty, the amount of the beaten enemies, and the captives of women and children.
3 Oct 2018 New biographical note
The section "Biographies. Obituaries" is replenished with note "Panteleimon Kulish" (1910).
Kulish had an unusually hot, sticky, restless nature. To all and everyone, in fact, showed great talent, what was done.
1 Oct 2018 New article on archeology
We publish review «J.Talko-Hryncewicz. Przyczynki do poznania świata kurhanowego Ukrainy» (1902).
In this valuable article, the author tries to collect the results of anthropological measurements of the prehistoric population of the old Kyiv region.