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Mykhajlo Hrushevsky

Encyclopedia of life and creativity


2nd quarter 2020

New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we finish publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – last 8 documents, including «65. Zavadka».

King Stephen confirms the sale of the parish in the village Zavadka to Ivan the priest’s son and provides him this parish until his death. September 30, 1578.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "S.F. Hrushevsky’s Publishing House" (1911).

From various means left by the deceased, we create a publishing house of popular books in the name of the deceased and thus open a competition for the first series of books to be published by this publishing house.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we continue publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – next 8 documents, including «60. Smerechka».

Sambir elder Jan Starzechowski allows to build a church in the village Smerechka. He gives the parish to Simko Myshkovych. April 6, 1567.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "To our readers (Sow)" (1911).

We must remember that no matter how dark the night is, the morning will come and the sun’s rays will drive away the darkness.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we continue publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – next 10 documents, including «52. Babina and Beregy".

King Sigismund Augustus confirms the provision of the parish in the village Babina and Beregy to the priest Andrew, made by Queen Bona. February 3, 1563.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "To our readers (Village)" (1911).

No newspaper is as cramped as ours. And that’s why we stop it – maybe only for a while, maybe forever – if there shall not easier.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we continue publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – next 10 documents, including "39. Tysovets".

Elder P. Boratynsky instructed krajinil Ostash Dashkovych to besiege the village Tysovytsia, giving him the right to a parish at the same time. April 17, 1558.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Happy New Year!" (1911).

In these two years, our magazine has spread to different parts of Ukraine, but still did not spread as it should.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we continue publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – next 10 documents, including "30. Old Sambir".

Queen Bona allows the Sambir "priest" Ignatius to hand over his parish to his son-in-law Ivan Dyak and writes 16 zloty’s for Ivan. January 20, 1555.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we finish publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section "7. Opponents of the Ukrainian movement."

This not very friendly attitude to Ukrainianness of the progressive Great Russian society has a rather long and gloomy history.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we continue publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – next 10 documents, including «20. Mykhnovets».

Queen Bona confirms the transfer of the parish in the village Mykhnova from the priest Oleksa to his son-in-law, the priest Demyan Mardzovich. October 6, 1552.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section "6. Political struggle".

Historically, the political program of modern Ukrainians formed as follow: decentralization, national-territorial autonomy, federalism, the broadest participation of the people in government.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we start publishing the article «A page on the history of the Ukrainian rural clergy» (1899). Today – first 10 documents, including «10. Torchynovychi».

Starosta Stanislav Odrovonzh confirms priest Stepan in the parish of the village Torchynovych, writing down the amount of PLN 26 in the form of sale and releasing him from various duties. Nov 13 1528.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section "5. Settlement and history of Ukrainians in Russia".

The movement of Ukrainian political thought continued throughout the period of persecution it suffered from the old Russian regime.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Antiquities" (1899).

Mr. Doroshevich (p. 3) provides news about the archives of the Glukhovsky district, Mr. Kochubey – a register of documents from his archive (p. 114).

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section "4. Political parties".

The tasks of the national policy of Ukrainians were: first, to achieve reforms of the state system itself, in the sense of abolishing the privileges of the wealthy classes, land and capitalist aristocracy.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "The Diary of Jacob Markovich" (1899).

The published part is only about a third of the whole, judging by the description of the manuscript submitted by the editor.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section "3. Political representation. School".

The Ukrainian population of Galicia, mostly rural, could, under the best conditions, count on only 22 mandates from rural districts of Eastern Galicia.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Die Reste der Germanen am Schwarzen Meere» (1899).

The book is divided into four chapters on the remains of Germans in Asia Minor, in the vicinity of Taman, around the Caspian Sea, in the Crimea and in Moesia.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section «2. Depressed state of Ukrainians.»

The Ukrainian element, sluggish and helpless, devoid of cultural and economic means, saw with horror how the enchanted circle of Polish domination closed around him.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “Y. Kulakovsky. Christianity among the Alans" (1899).

The author sets the task: to indicate chronologically the beginning of Christianity among the Alans and, based on the correspondence of Patriarch Nikolai Mystic, dates it to the beginning of the 10th century.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we continue publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910). Today – section «1. Settlement of Ukrainians in Austria-Hungary».

The historical conditions that divided these parts of one Ukrainian territory between three different political organisms have made their mark different in many other directions as well.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “Y. Kulakovsky. To the history of the Gothic diocese (in Crimea) in the VIII century" (1899).

The article of Mr. Kulakovsky was thoroughly written, the conclusions were made scientifically, carefully and are based on a detailed study of the facts and materials associated with them.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we begin publishing the article "Ukrainians" (1910).

Ukrainism – a progressive, democratic, social Ukrainism, is not a theorem arbitrarily invented by a handful of people, but an organic result of a historical process.

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New article on history

In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Summa Rerum romaeorrokosicarum (sic)» (1899).

Regarding the nature of the textbook, the author had to give more detailed references to the sources, meanwhile he was given only the author’s name, and often did not even indicate the source.

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New publicistic article

In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Important case" (1910).

Our fellow countrymen should send everything there – not only books, newspapers, brochures, but also every poster, billboard, announcement, label that goes out in Ukrainian.

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