1st quarter 2020
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Gustave Schlumberger. L'epopée Byzantine à la fin du dixième siècle» (1899).
In the author’s exploration, the sections on Rus’, Svyatoslav’s war with Tzimiskes and Byzantium’s relations with Vladimir, are of direct interest to us.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article «Even more on the "Enlightenment" reform» (1910).
Important questions to the program and organizational issues are put forward in the new project, important questions are raised during the debate over them; it will be good when the general meeting will make at least some of them.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "V. Istrin. Chronograph of the Ipatian copy of Chronicles under 1114" (1898).
He draws attention to the question of what “chronograph” means, to which the chronicle refers, citing George Amartol and Malala.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "University affairs" (1910).
The Ukrainian ambassadors have made very serious commitments to the university case and should not rush to such a solution that will give us, instead of the university, only the promise of it.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «V.Jagič. Einige Streitfragen» (1898).
From the Siverjany, and in general from the left-bank Dnieper Ukrainians, we have no linguistic monuments, therefore, all conjectures about the linguistic difference between them from the right-bank is a completely arbitrary hypothesis.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "For native school" (1910).
A nation that is able to retain land in its hands and retain the education of its people in proportion to the success of a competitor may consider its national existence preserved.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Karol Potkański. Kraków przed Piastami» (1898).
In general, the author’s work makes a very pleasant impression of the scientific nature and caution of the method, objectivity and great erudition.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Easter rallies" (1910).
Authoritiesd now allow congresses: only to "have no politics on them." And under "politics" more and more brings such things that they do not occupy.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "A collection of materials to describe the localities and tribes of the Caucasus" (1898).
In volume 22, Mr. Dzhanashvili presented extracts from Georgian chronicles – information about the North Caucasus and the more remote northern lands until 1739, where there is much interesting for the history of Rus’.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "No right" (1910).
We reply that the Ukrainian newspapers are published according to the law, with the permission of the authorities, they can be subscribed freely to all and cannot be banned or seized.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "P. Milyukov. The main trends of Russian historical thought" (1898).
Especially for Ukraine, the book gives very little – at the beginning only 7 pages are devoted to "Synopsis", while Ukrainian historiography of the 18th and 19th centuries skipped by the author completely.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Ukrainian Holidays and Ukrainian Weekdays" (1910).
Do they reveal by their actions that they carry in their heart what the poet commanded us to do?
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “A.A. Shakhmatov. About the initial Kiev annalistic compilation” (1898).
The author, in my opinion, quite well proved the independence of the "Initial compilation" from the Initial Chronicle; clarification of their mutual relations he postpones for later.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "An irrevocable case" (1910).
Fifteen years have passed since the various shenanigans with Ukrainian departments forced the Ukrainian public to come forward for the first time with the postulate of a separate Ukrainian university.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Scythica et Caucasica» (1898).
Three years later, the second [issue] came out, and according to the plan of the author (preface to Issue 1), it had to contain small and accidental notes or special information about a certain locality.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article «Ukrainian holiday» (1910).
The great cause was destined to be fulfilled to this peasant’s son, to the lord’s serf. As the new Ezekiel he revived for a new life a broken, forgotten Ukraine.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “D.I. Evarnitsky. The most important moments from the history of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks” (1898).
The very starting point of the author seems to us inappropriate: this old division of the Cossacks into “city”, or “Ukrainian”, and “Zaporizhzhya” should have already been thrown out of science.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "They unite" (1910).
In order for capital not to seize upon live, the unions of capitalists, industrialists, and merchants must be opposed by the unions of small landowners, peasants, workers, and all who buy and consume goods.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “Nikolai Storozhenko. To the history of Little Russian Cossacks at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century” (1898).
It is dedicated to the history of the Cossacks in the left-bank Hetmanate, its decline under the centralizing efforts of the Russian government in the second half of the XVIII and the first XIX centuries.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "The Manchurian Case" (1910).
And now, from that all only piece of Manchurian road remains, and it has to be sell! It means saying goodbye to all those intentions and plans, wave your hand at them and show your mistake.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "Travel of the Antiochian Patriarch Makarii to Russia" (1898).
The translation of Mr. Murcos gives several completely new episodes, which were missed by the previous translator Belfour, as a description of the large Pechersk church and St. Sophia.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Last Year’s Harvest" (1910).
There is no doubt that this case is the most reliable: the peasants themselves through their peasant societies help themselves and save their economy without waiting for help from the outside.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Collectanea ex archivo collegii juridici» (1898).
There was printed Sambir Commission – an act concluded by the commissioners sent in 1698 to investigate the reasons why the Sambir’s economy gives a small income to the Crown Treasure.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "How do newspapers live in Russia?" (1910).
For another newspaper was imprisoned five editors simultaneously; the sixth also will came to the prison, but they were a little late: when they came to him, they learned that he had died of typhus.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "The Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles, published at the highest command of the Archaeographic Commission" (1898).
This volume covers the years 1362-1424, the text is published on the basis of the same codices as the two previous volumes.
Annual report
«Annual report 2019» is published.
Annual report of the website «Mikhailo Hrushevsky» for the 2019 year – 341 thousands visitors.