4th quarter 2016
31 Dec 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Humbly please write to me that I should answer to Bagalij on his proposal. And he questioned often, what’s new with it. (Apr 21, 1910. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
29 Dec 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Over the fresh grave" (1918).
Came out the world man of the living soul, with a clear pure heart, a man with spiritual treasures that they genuinely endowed all his people…
27 Dec 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Underestimating" (1911).
No one Ukrainian publishing was not priced so high: besides the obvious repression and punishments whom this newspaper made from the beginning of its existence, began "secret" prosecutions.
25 Dec 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "History of one night" (1896).
The first happiness man – free to do what his mind and conscience says to him. The rest – it has no weight.
23 Dec 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo "Hermitage" Hotel in Kyiv (1906 – 1907). |
21 Dec 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "A. Shakhmatov. On the question of the formation of Russian dialects" (1895).
First, we note the author’s view on the Ukrainian language. He looks at it as ancient phenomenon, that its beginning leads from prehistoric times.
19 Dec 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review «Dr. Antoni J. Sylwetki i szkice historyczne i literackie. Serya IX» (1894).
Author closely, as usual, brought together information on the Tatar colonization on lands of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania in general and especially for Podillja.
17 Dec 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "N.K.Nikolsky. Materials for the history of ancient Rus’ spiritual literature" (1897).
In genegar attribution of this "Word" to Klim, and its identity with the "word" was talking about Sreznevsky, remain uncertain.
15 Dec 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "I.A.Khoynovsky. Brief archaeological information about the ancestors of the Slavs and Russia" (1897).
This book, as we read in the preface, is to serve at the same time and author of the catalog of the museum – a collector of Kiev, and the popular textbook archeology.
13 Dec 2016 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of letter to O. Nazariiv (1912). |
11 Dec 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters without definite dates.
Today I sent you a telegram and by this letter adds – dire sent short (p. 5-6) articles to LNV about the political situation. (To Ivan Dzhydzhora)
9 Dec 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Article about "Two years Galician politics" done a lot of noise here. The people for it talk with great respect and satisfaction. (Oct 3, 1909. To M. Hrushevsky)
7 Dec 2016 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published article "In memory of Lesja Ukrainka" (1913).
But only in the last five years begins this huge, irresistible progress it a titanic giant march across ledges, not violated by human foot.
3 Dec 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Fabrication of separatism" (1911).
The government, last year so determined in writing Ukrainians foreigners, now again returned to the formula of "unity of the Russian people," and then in the form of even more acute than ever before.
1 Dec 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Obstacle" (1895).
My parents, though kept Poland tight, as usual Poles in Russia, were not chauvinists, which also must admit Russian Poles.
29 Nov 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo Hladynyuk's Hotel in Kyiv (1894 – 1907). |
27 Nov 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "Vs.F.Miller. Epic tradition in Olonets province" (1896).
Such epics, composed originally in the Galicia-Volyn state, he points out three – "About Duk Stepanovich", "About Churilo," "About Potok and Dunaj."
25 Nov 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review of several works on the right of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The controversy, which probably has not ended yet and this will cause a new works, has already produced a series of interesting studies and observations in the field of law and the rights of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
23 Nov 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "A.A.Shahmatov. A few words about Nestor "Life of Theodosius" (1897).
These observations of Mr. Shakhmatov confirm a sad fact that even the most solid works of hagiographic we have to be registered with the inheritance of ready-made templates.
21 Nov 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1896, part 1.
So in the 1st book we find the end article prof. Leontovych on the national question in ancient Rus.
19 Nov 2016 New article on archeology
Published review «Ksawery Chamiec. Wśród stepów і jarów» (1897).
The work of the author, as seen from the submitted above is the popularization of the achievements of special studies, summarized in one overall picture.
17 Nov 2016 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with cover and title page monograph "Cultural-national movement in Ukraine in 16 – 17 cent." (1912). |
15 Nov 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 7 letters of 1914.
What with Union – I can not find out. Accounts not paid. Bookstore can not pay. I wrote to Dermal. What about "Fox Nikita"? (Mar 19, 1914. To Ivan Dzhydzhora)
13 Nov 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
On the celebration in Galicia, or rather the manifestation on the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. Sichinskiy trial adjourned until April 15th. (Apr 9, 1909. To M. Hrushevsky)
11 Nov 2016 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published article "Forty years feat" (1913).
For the word of the Apostle he haste to spishyv give to build it all that could find a in his hand: pure gold scientific thinking, precious stones inspiration.
9 Nov 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Two anniversaries" (1911).
Shevchenko, the stress of waiting important act and strongly irritated by delaying it, died among this expectation.
7 Nov 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Sir" (1895).
I, brother, originally considered himself a populist, but as it was necessary to the case – as it seemed to the nobility, as it was necessary to cast.
5 Nov 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo Hamerand Hotel in Vienna (1904). |
3 Nov 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "Miller Vs. Observations on the geographical distribution of epics" (1895).
The observations in this area led the author to the following conclusions: the homogeneity of the epic repertoire leads to the conclusion that it preserved more or less completely in the last centuries.
1 Nov 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review "Liubavskij M. Regional division and local government of the Lithuanian-Russian state."
On the basis of rereading old documentary books so called Lithuanian metrics author gives information about the composition and administrative division Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
31 Oct 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "A.V.Mikhailov. An overview of the composition, editions and literary sources "Explanatory palee" (1896).
A small article of Mr. Mikhailov poses anew the question of the "Explanatory Palee" of all the monuments of Slavic-Russian literature, the most noteworthy, in his opinion.
29 Oct 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1896, part 4.
The collection of the Kherson Zemstvo, as before, contains a lot of material for mainly economic study of the region.
27 Oct 2016 New article on archeology
Published review «Sépulture du X siècle à Kiev, par le baron de Baye» (1896).
Well-known French archeologist Baron de Bai describes here finds in Kyiv Podil, where the tomb was found with decoration of glass and metal.
25 Oct 2016 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with cover and title page collection of articles "Our policy" (1911). |
23 Oct 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1913.
Just received copies of "In defense of the truth." In your speeches at the general meeting coordinate with Chykalenko. Lavrov, as you know, going away. (Dec 22, 1913. To Ivan Dzhydzhora)
21 Oct 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
My work is as usual; in fact, step now weak because I do not have copyist. I advise little wait with Kystyakovsky, while you ca. (Aug 11, 1908. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
19 Oct 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Sad Easter" (1913).
Health dead was already broken from a long time and caused strong concern, but his spiritual strength, his creativity was captured physical agony in a full flourish.
17 Oct 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Instead of Christmas" (1911).
Now these heroes of Ukrainian nationalism are not suspected themselves and not anticipating how close, very close goes around them this possibility of their Ukrainian nationalism.
15 Oct 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Personal happiness" (1895).
This is pure comedy, some scary examples – grumble I laid again under my lid – and quite stupid, because the personal happiness is not connected with dire spiritual destruction, with betrayal and other fears.
13 Oct 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo hotel "Belle Vue" in Lviv (1904). |
11 Oct 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "Onega epics recorded by A.F.Gilferding summer of 1871" (1895).
The Great epics of Vladimir's cycle is a branch, though strongly modified, of the ancient Ukrainian-Russian folk poetry.
9 Oct 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review "A new work of Ukrainian gentry" (1894).
The latest her work is written very talented and now drew the attention of magazines and community – Ukrainian and Moscow.
7 Oct 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "A.Dmytryevski. Kilter of the furnacy action" (1896).
As for the importance that was attached dialogues of action in the history of theater, Mr. Dmytryevski rises strongly against this idea.
5 Oct 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1896, part 3.
Mr. Latyshev makes subsequent "Annexes and amendments" to his collection of Black Sea inscriptions. In appendix he further prints a collection of excerpts from the writings of classical authors of the Black Sea.
3 Oct 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "D.N.Anuchin. Amulet of the bones and a human skull craniotomy in ancient times in Russia" (1896).
Until now, however, it was not stated in the science finds of this kind on the territory of modern Russia. Mr. Anuchin brings them the first time, and – most interestingly – between them leads to the fact Ukrainian territory.
1 Oct 2016 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph article "Under the current moment" (1911). |