3rd quarter 2016
29 Sep 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1913.
About your project of judgment and Studinsky’s article I will talk with local members. It is necessary to transfer Studinsky materials that you collected for brochure. (Nov 27, 1913. To I. Dzhydzhora)
27 Sep 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Among the files of State Senate I came to the very interesting thing: the collection of government reports Apostle. I wanted to write something about "Slavic week." (May 5, 1908. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
25 Sep 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Favorite Muses and Graces" (1912).
No one saw and did not imagine him so as soon as the prophetic creator, the king of beauty, the owner of pure pleasure tunes as he was.
23 Sep 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "In the Russian coach" (1910).
In Zhytomyr right Jews can beat Jew, do not assume any punishment, and even take out to encourage the further extension of such innocent fun.
21 Sep 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Last Christmas Eve" (1891).
Now at the cemetery behind the line placed four graves – young middle, and large – with opposite sides. The whole family gathered together all the band flew to a clear, brilliant sun…
19 Sep 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo ancient city Pompeii, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
17 Sep 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "N.Kharuzin. On the question of the assimilation capacity of the Russian people" (1895).
Mr. Kharuzin did well, with the deletion from the explanation of this relationship such a vague and subjective term as "national capacity" and transferred the brunt of the ground cultural and historical.
15 Sep 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review "The new edition of the Kyiv Archaeographical Commission" (1891).
In this work Mr. Kamanin joined statistical data from registers and worked to find out the reasons on which depended Jewish population in some areas and further movement.
13 Sep 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "Monuments of Old Russian church and didactic literature" (1895).
Also unclear plan publication in choice writings, the editors do not seem aware of, what the reader and what requirements must answer this edition.
11 Sep 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1896, part 2.
Mr. Speransky intelligence "Apocryphal acts of the Apostles Andrew in the Slavic-Russian versions" stops on the question their relationship to the Greek original.
9 Sep 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "F.P.Keppen. On the history of tarpan in Russia" (1896).
Thus, the question of the tarpan – whether it was wild or feral horse – is uncertain, since the arguments of Mr. Anuchin have the character more negative than positive.
7 Sep 2016 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with sketch of the front page collection of articles "Our policy" (1911). |
5 Sep 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1913.
Here is a plan to send out a few days before the meeting the printed appeal to Galician members from the local members. What do you think? (Nov 11, 1913. To Ivan Dzhydzhora)
3 Sep 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Naumenko said to "Community" that closed "Ukraine" with the end of the year. Radical Party Congress was held, and at this occasion and the party itself broke. (Sep 9, 1907. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
1 Sep 2016 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published article "In the centenary anniversary of Herzen" (1912).
Absolutely forbidden in Russia his "Bell" differed in two thousand copies and was read closely the same friends and enemies.
31 Aug 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "A small sacrifice" (1910).
Unspeakable affect these barbarisms against the background declamations of the benefits of Polish cultural mission, which turns nondescript violence and brutality for Ukrainian nation.
29 Aug 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Old thorns" (1890).
All the world changed in eyes old and lit up new marvelous light; his own person no longer obstruct the world, he heard that sorrow and joy are not just in him.
27 Aug 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo volcano Vesuvius, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
25 Aug 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "Shchepkin E. Scandinavian burial rite with the ship" (1895).
However, neither the prof. Montelius or prof. Anuchin or mr. Shchepkin hesitant to provide the ship strongly ritual, mythological significance.
23 Aug 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review "Latyshev V. Scythica et Caucasica» (1894).
He set out to publish excerpts before the end of the IV cent. – in one volume of the Greek writers, the second Latin.
21 Aug 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "V.Kotsovsky. Historical and literary notes to the "Tale of Igor’s campaign" (1895).
I thought most on methodological side of work. As the tone, say, makes music so science begins from method, so this part deserves special attention.
19 Aug 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1896, part 1.
In the department of work put the beginning of a larger study of Michael Lileev "From the early history of the schisma in Vetka and Starodub in XVII – XVIII century".
17 Aug 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "Jastrebov V. N. Experience topographic review of antiquities Kherson province" (1895).
Not satisfied with printed material, he appealed to local residents and via the same archaeological society, and directly, and in this way got a lot of new material.
15 Aug 2016 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of monograph "Kyivan Rus" (1911). |
13 Aug 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1913.
Because of the conference with the Cadets in the case law on Ukrainian affairs, I must still residues. Give Modzalevsky 250 rubles. (May 10, 1913. To I. Dzhidzhora)
11 Aug 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
In my opinion, Vinnichenko asmost should engage, he was very sympathetic to us and promised continued cooperation. (Sep 5, 1907. To M. Hrushevsky)
9 Aug 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "In memory of Paul Zhytetsky" (1911).
The man, strong in body and spirit, he steadfastly carried this conviction through cornfield of his life, did not stagger, when his Ukrainian conviction closed the way to university chairs for him.
7 Aug 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Over the fresh grave" (1910).
Indifferentism government and apathy political representants Ukrainian community will inevitably pursue our youth to more and more conflicts.
5 Aug 2016 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Passers-by" (1889).
They said that the land are free, and thus we thought, but near the elbow, and no taste. What are we out of it taken care of – not taken in the community, are you hot though.
3 Aug 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo St. Gennaro in Naples, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
1 Aug 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review "Dovnar-Zapolsky M. Motives Pinchuk wedding songs" (1894).
Pinchuks usually credited to the northern branch of the Ukrainian people, so ethnographic studio mr. Zapolsky directly related to the Ukrainian ethnography.
31 Jul 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review «Dr. Finkel. Okopy swiętej Trócy, dwa epizody z dziejów Polski» (1891).
To study Dr. Finkel added several documents, among other things, reports Jablonowski to king about establishing fortress and relation of the defeat Pulawsky in Zhvanets and trenches St. Trinity.
29 Jul 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "New criticism of neoslavism" (1893).
His criticism of neoslavism sincerely on cultural issues and relationships is the gradual and generally fair.
27 Jul 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1895, part 3.
In the book III one find the review by professor Sobolevsky for article prof. Filevych of Hungarian Rus, where mr. Sobolevski briefly viewed the issue of ancient Rus villages in Hungary.
25 Jul 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "Melnik K. Catalog A.N.Pol’s collection of antiquities in Yekaterinoslav" (1894).
The catalog is scientific, systematic and therefore have not only practical, but also the scientific value. Unfortunately only in the collection have not always been given information about the place finds.
23 Jul 2016 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph letter to O. Kobyljanska (1910). |
21 Jul 2016 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1913.
It is necessary that article Ignotus not later 1 / IV, the same articles Evshan, his review and Doroshenko. In this book "Transactions" does not go your review. (After (not before) Mar 24, 1913. To I. Dzhidzhora)
19 Jul 2016 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
As at present, our relationship to different people and groups (Chykalenko, Leontovich, "Bell") is very solidly secured against the group "Age". (Aug 31, 1907. To M. Hrushevsky)
17 Jul 2016 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" published obituary "Death of Tolstoy" (1910).
For millions of people he was especially powerful apostle of protest against social falsehood, and over millions of his closer fellow citizens recall with all thy soul, when he denounced the falsehood and oppression.
15 Jul 2016 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "The funeral of the Union" (1910).
Over forty years after the sands of Lviv barrow in the glory union Galicia became spectacle more persistent reckless fight Ukrainian rebirth against the Polish state of ownership.
13 Jul 2016 New story
In the section "Fiction" published the story "Non-working Grycko Crooked" (1888).
1. Grycko with the wife running away from Mr. / 2. Serfdom chasing Grycko / 3. Death of wife and son / 4. Grycko confesses to murder / 5. Death of Grycko.
11 Jul 2016 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with panorama of Naples, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
9 Jul 2016 New article on ethnography
Published review «Ks. Adolf Pleszczyński. Bojarzy międzyrzeccy, studium etnograficzne» (1894).
By paying attention Ukrainian ethnographers to this booklet, we should feel sorry that the author drew less attention on social and historical issues; he submitted in only one document in translation.
7 Jul 2016 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review «Dr. Antoni. Opowiadania historyczne, seria siódma» (1890).
From the stories of this book are the greatest historical interest "Kamenet treason" and "Lviv hostages" – both regarding the famous Polish-Turkish campaign in 1672 p.
5 Jul 2016 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "I.Pervolf. Slavs, their mutual relations and communication. Vol. 2" (1888).
In this volume, the author examines the scientific (historical, geographical, philological) and poetic writings Polabian Slavs – Czechs, Poles, southern Slavs and Russian (Moscow and Ukrainian).
3 Jul 2016 New review
We publish review of magazines in 1895, part 2.
The "University notes", issued by Kiev university, provided a wealth of important scientific material of Ukraine.
1 Jul 2016 New article on archeology
Published review "Imperial Archaeological Commission Report for 1891" (1894).
From the report it is clear that in that year (1891) have done a lot of excavations on the territory of Ukraine, but there was almost no systematic and more widely clocked research.