4th quarter 2015
31 Dec 2015 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Demolition of martial law in Kiev came to us very fit. LNVisnyk can go further. We were now brought the message of the previous ban. (Feb 15, 1907, to M. Hrushevsky)
29 Dec 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "Daniel Mordovets" (1905).
Distingiushed with sometime interestent content and easy style, his works provide no deeper look at the past of Ukraine, deeper understanding of the Ukrainian issue.
27 Dec 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "More about the culture and criticism" (1908).
This unfortunate book as a textbook of Ukrainian national consciousness – is not useful and even harmful.
25 Dec 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo Appian Way near Rome, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
23 Dec 2015 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published review "New researchs on the history of ancient Russia" (1897).
D. Ja. Samokvasov – Research on the history of Russian law. I. P. Filevich – The history of ancient Russia, Volume 1: Area and population.
21 Dec 2015 New article on organization of science
Published article "Shevchenko Scientific Society and its activities in 1898" (1898).
An important fact in the life of Society was his reform with its main goal – deeper transferring scientific nature of our Society through entire organization.
19 Dec 2015 New article on archeology
We publish the article "Seal of metropolitan Constantine from Zvenigorod" (1898).
The seal has a price as yet another evidence of ancient Russian life in Galician Zvenigorod, the new evidence that Zvenigorod near Lviv is an old prince Zvenigorod.
17 Dec 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish article "One from Nizhyn" (1912).
Specialists from the Ukrainian bibliography noted Ivan Zatyrkevych as the author of Ukrainian fable "Puddle", published in "Basics" in 1861.
15 Dec 2015 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph letter to V. M. Domanycky (1907). |
13 Dec 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1908.
What will be with your article on Antonovich – You need to upgrade it and convert print! Solik annoys me for your fur. (June 14, 1908. To I. Dzhidzhora)
11 Dec 2015 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Mr. Professor is quite right, accusing me undignified and non-observance of the word. I might add to his defense, in this case I could not keep my word. (Sep 27, 1906. To M. Hrushevsky)
9 Dec 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "V. Vasilewski" (1899).
His proceedings are defined with great erudition, based not only published materials, but also with archival studies, independence of ideas, daring conjectures and conclusions.
7 Dec 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "To review Mr. Lypynsky" (1908).
To write a good popular book, one must be well acquainted with the subject, mastering it and in fact have talent promotion, telling interesting, lively, giving bright, embossed images.
5 Dec 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo Pantheon in Rome, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
3 Dec 2015 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published an article "Hetman Bogdanka".
Whether was Bogdan Ruzhyns'kyi a main leader of the Cossacks, or was one of several Cossack atamans like him – we have no direct guidance.
1 Dec 2015 New article on organization of science
Published article "Scientific activity of Shevchenko Society in 1896 and 1897" (1898).
In Austrian Ukraine our Society did not found reliance in national high school, that in normal circumstances would have to be such reliance.
29 Nov 2015 New article on archeology
We publish the article "Molotov Silver (3)" (1899).
When these Kiev we mainly dated to the first half of XII or XIII cent., the molotov ones give us a version of this type with the 1st half of the XIV century.
27 Nov 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "Newly published monuments of ancient Russian literature" (1894).
25 Nov 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page brochure "From the Polish-Ukrainian relations in Galicia" (1907). |
23 Nov 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 6 letters of 1907.
When the "Rada (Council)" was not published reviews Doroshenko, then pay attention to this Chykalenko. Franko gave lyrical article about Vovchok yet. I will be in Kiev, which three weeks. (Sep 09, 1907. To I. Dzhydzhora)
21 Nov 2015 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published first 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
In Kharkiv took me smoothly. As I reviewed – either the universals on estates for all sorts of persons or processes on land and on "offences and devastation" for officers (Aug 8, 1905).
19 Nov 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "Panteleimon Kulish" (1897).
His long-standing and versatile as rare activity patriarch of the Ukrainian literature gave him one of the greatest places in the history of our national life.
17 Nov 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Is not it time" (1908).
Ukrainians "imagine" that go on Shevchenko Street, and supporters of prof. Florinsky, walking in Timofeevskaya, can imagine that this street is named after him.
15 Nov 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo Colosseum in Rome, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
13 Nov 2015 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published an article "Galician nobility in XII-XIII cent." (1895).
This fall of three outstanding oligarchs – Sudyslav, Dobroslav and Gregory possibly was the main reason for the weakening of the Boyar party.
11 Nov 2015 New article on organization of science
Published article "Scientific activity of Shevchenko Society in 1895" (1896).
Initiative of the sections in the scientific work, collective work of members can be stated in two cases: in the composition of review section in "Notes" and in formation of scientific terminology.
9 Nov 2015 New article on archeology
We publish the article "Molotov Silver (2)" (1898).
Molotov discovery shows that the western outskirts of the Ukrainian land was part of the circle of the art, on the other hand – this art was still in force here in the XIV century.
7 Nov 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "Queen of the North" (1911).
I could only rejoice that the celebration of the Nobel prize draw attention wider publicness to so original and rich content creation.
5 Nov 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collection of articles "On the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian case" (1907). |
3 Nov 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1907.
It will be seen whether instead of "Bulletin" will be to publish the magazine under a different name, or move it to St. Petersburg, or bring back to Lviv. (Feb 11, 1907. To I. Dzhydzhora)
1 Nov 2015 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published artcile "Mykhajlo Hrushevsky and Ivan Dzhydzhora: teacher and student in the light of mutual correspondence" by V. Pryshljak.
Throughout the period of Hrushevsky life and work in Lviv a professor and his student were co-workers and good friends.
31 Oct 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "Anton Chekhov" (1904).
Prevalence, eternal proximity of death laid deep spots on the work of the deceased – it wafts of melancholy transience life, its beauty and meaning, and their inevitable end.
29 Oct 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Ukrainism and Slavic unity" (1908).
In modern circumstances of life Ukrainian Slavic brotherhood – this is such a vicious ironic on reality that is difficult to say this word so that it is not sounded like a bitter mockery…
27 Oct 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo forum in Rome, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
25 Oct 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "A. I. Lototsky." Democratic literature" (1909).
In summary he well introduce reader to key moments in the development of Ukrainian literature, its general character and its main figures.
23 Oct 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of brochure "For Ukrainian bone" (1907). |
21 Oct 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 1 letter of 1906.
It's a shame that you so easily take their responsibilities and so little I can rely on your word. (Before (not later) Sep 27, 1906, to I. Dzhidzhora)
19 Oct 2015 New article in Guide
The section "Guide" is replenished with article "Dzhydzhora Ivan".
Dzhydzhora Ivan Nikolaevich (02.09.1880 – 04.24.1919) – Ukrainian scientist-historian, publicist, journalist.
17 Oct 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "Alexander Pypin" (1904).
We have his name remain expensive not only because of his scientific writings that penetrate in the deep areas of Ukrainian studies, and even more – his merit for most Ukrainian national idea.
15 Oct 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Shevchenko monument" (1908).
The monument to the poet, who admits his prophet all Ukraine no matter their parts and territories, social groups and political parties, should be the common thing of all regions, groups and parties.
13 Oct 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo palazzo Strozzi in Florence, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
11 Oct 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "The works of Ivan Kotliarevsky" (1909).
It would be to introduce the reader in understanding the different views on Kotliarevsky rather than just hint at them and handing out compliments to other researchers, and theback plate to others.
9 Oct 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the collection of articles "Liberation of Russia and the Ukrainian issue" (1907). |
7 Oct 2015 New obituary
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an obituary "P.Nakrohin" (1904).
All the time he lived a modest editorial worker, mainly journal "Week", where was also published most of his stories.
5 Oct 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Blood" (1908).
One second worth, and for morally developed man murder, accomplished against the conviction of this could be far worst than murder committed with conviction.
3 Oct 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo headstone of Lorenzo Medici, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
1 Oct 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "I. Franko. "Fox Mykyta" (1909).
Excellent book for children, it re-read by mature people with all new and new nice.