3rd quarter 2015
29 Sep 2015 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of article "Ukrainian question" manuscript (1907). |
27 Sep 2015 New index
Posted alphabetical index of biographical articles and obituaries.
25 Sep 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 2 letters without certain date.
I am looking for you everywhere. If not met, throw me in the letter-box on the door as sooner. (To J. Belej)
23 Sep 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Another story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" (1908).
The entire territory from Mirgorod barns up to the point where Kiev women wash pots, these patriots decided to limit and draw its boundary.
21 Sep 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo cathedral in Florence, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
19 Sep 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "Poems by M.P.Starycky, 1861-1904" (1908).
The reader will find here really lovely source of poetic comfort, and all those interested in literary face of the deceased writer, have the opportunity to see for the first time in one form all his poetry.
17 Sep 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the book "History of Ukraine-Rus" (vol. 6, 1907) |
15 Sep 2015 New biographical article
In the section "Biographies. Obituaries" publishes an article "[Speech to the 25th anniversary of Ivan Franko literary activity]" (1898).
We came to bging him thank for what he during these 25 years still do not afraid of work and do not neglect it, that he was not superestimate himself and became to work wherever called his people's needs.
13 Sep 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 2 letters of 1929.
In your case here no one to talk – we Kyiv "solitude" ask one friend that travel to Kharkov, so there talked with management Knyhospilka. (Apr 04, 1929, to Alexander Oles)
11 Sep 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Intermission" (1908).
A Ukrainian man in the street, filling stomach with donuts and fan his head charm fruit liqueur, on a hot furnace can reflect on the way to agree Zolotonosha with Kolomyja.
9 Sep 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo tomb of Theodoric in Ravenna, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
7 Sep 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish «The anniversary of Leo Tolstoy» (1908).
World honors in him primarily a powerful critique of moral values of modern life, as great elder showed himself in the last decades of his creativity.
5 Sep 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the book "History of Ukraine-Rus" (vol. 4, 1907) |
3 Sep 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 2 letters of 1927.
What about my daughter's article fot a collection V.Tille? As a collection will not be printed, please send it back without ceremony. (13 Apr 1927, to J. Polivka)
1 Sep 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article «Whether we cannot do it?» (1907).
The basis of the programs and activities of this institution were those items would more or less, I have pointed out in my articles of Ukrainian cathedras as the main wishes for Ukrainian studies.
31 Aug 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo interior of the basilica St. Apollinary in Ravenna, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
29 Aug 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review «T. Shevchenko. Kobzar» (1907).
As we learn from the preface, from his 215 poems only 8 remain not checked by autograph poet. This is a huge step forward in critical verification text "Kobzar".
27 Aug 2015 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph letter to Ivan Franko (1906). |
25 Aug 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 3 letters of 1926.
Our Academy has a general character association institutions rather poorly interconnected and quite independent in their activity (9 Sep 1926, to J. Polivka).
23 Aug 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article «To our readers» (1907).
Strengthening of all-Ukrainian character "Literary and Scientific Bulletin" was meeted in Galicia with overall satisfaction and the number of subscribers Galician is not only not diminished, but increased.
21 Aug 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo church San Vitale in Ravenna, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
19 Aug 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review «Hornet» (1906).
They were able to join new artistic directions with live sympathy and admiration to Ukrainian history and household traditions and interest in the present efforts of the progressive community.
17 Aug 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the collection articles "From current moment" (1906). |
15 Aug 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 2 letters of 1925.
I think I already wrote to you last year my belief that you should come back, and here you'll find yourself sooner and better opportunities of creative and publishing. (Late 1925 – early 1926, to O. Oles)
13 Aug 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article «The end of ruthenism!» (1907).
We should be able to reason that combatting Galician Russophilism in its current form – this conditio sine qua non of Ukrainian national evolution, national self-guarding.
11 Aug 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo tomb of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
9 Aug 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review «N. Petrov. Afanasij Kyrylovych Lobysevych» (1905).
In the letter by Lobysevych – his enthusiasm for the works of Ukrainian literature – interludes by Konysky and Tansky, in which he see fame of Ukraine.
7 Aug 2015 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph preface for the collection of articles "From current moment" (1906). |
5 Aug 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 6 letters of 1924.
At the same time I send to you for the collection in honor of Prof. Tile article by Catherine Hrushevs'ka ,the leader primitive culture cabinet and ask about getting me kindly report. (27 Oct 1924, to I. Polivka)
3 Aug 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article «Thunder – but not from the skies sent out…» (1907).
On Capitol of "Novoe vremja" sizzle the biggest geese, and after them cry every bird, including the fabulous bird of paradise "Gamajun."
1 Aug 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with picture Tintoretto "Emancipation of slave by St. Mark", described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
31 Jul 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review «V. Lesevych. Eugene Grebinka» (1905).
Hrebinka characterizes here as one of those "khokhlyk" practics of life and priests of career that sell their "ukrainian domestic fishing", unbearable Ukrainophilism…
29 Jul 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the book "Essay on the history of the Ukrainian people" (1906). |
27 Jul 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1924.
And when LNV, disregarding our warning, published the third year in Lviv – who can blame us that we did not publish parallel editions? (16 Jun 1924, to O. Oles)
25 Jul 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article «Our sins» (1907).
The concept of the people, finally we connect and blind masses, and the upper ten thousand who set the tone for life, armed with consciousness, cultural and economic means, give direction to it.
23 Jul 2015 New essays
In the "Prose" section we publish last two essays from the cycle "By the world".
Go and bathe in the sea of light, brilliance, beauty. Go towards the blue sea that departs and beckons, further and further.
21 Jul 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with picture Veronese "Wedding at Cana", described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
19 Jul 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "I.Steshenko. Ivan Petrovich Kotliarevsky" (1903).
To me, it looks like the first sketch of a biography, for further work on that the distinguished author very pleased to encourage.
17 Jul 2015 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we publish «Vyhovsky and Mazepa» (1909).
Moscow wanted to trade the fate of Ukraine, decide it without consent and will of the Ukraine, which voluntarily undergone under the patronage of Moscow and violate first ground of patronage.
15 Jul 2015 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of the book "Geschichte des ukraineschen (ruthenischen) Volkes" (1906). |
13 Jul 2015 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1923.
I still had the conviction that my stay abroad useful – until sitting here. (31 Dec 1923, to O. Oles)
11 Jul 2015 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Bogdan anniversary" (1907).
Not considering at a very high talent leader, administrator, diplomat, shown by him, his personality manifests itself weak.
9 Jul 2015 New essays
In the "Prose" section we publish next three essays from the cycle "By the world".
But among so green bloom spaces begin to meet dark reddish gaps – these too fresh lava flows that have not weathered enough to porosty vegetation and not yet cultivated.
7 Jul 2015 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with picture Titian "Amor Sacro y Amor Profano", described in the cycle "By the world" (1908). |
5 Jul 2015 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish an article "Variants to "Bogdan's grave" by Shevchenko" (1902).
Markevich sent a copy that had several variants; I noted them on receiving his letter for myself, postponing their publication for any occasion.
3 Jul 2015 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we publish "Editorial foreword [to t. VII "Ukrainian historical library"]."
The main value of Lynnychenko's work, as notice, probably, the reader, has a section on the peasantry, which occupies most of the book.