1st quarter 2017
31 Mar 2017 New article in the Guide
In the "Guide" published an article by B. Naulko "Correspondence Mykhajlo Hrushevsky and Theodore Vovk" (2001).
Readers are invited all hitherto known correspondence between prominent scientists and public figures late XIX – early XX century, Theodore Vovk and Michael Hrushevsky.
29 Mar 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo of S. F. Hrushevsky school in Kyiv (1911). |
27 Mar 2017 New article on ethnography
Published review «Études de mythologie slave» (1897).
In the first studie author collecting information about the cult of Perun in Rus’, and traces of it in other Slavs over parallel between Perun and St. Ilya.
25 Mar 2017 New article in the Guide
In the "Guide" published an article by R. Majboroda "Correspondence Mykhajlo Hrushevsky and Mykola Biljashivsky" (2001).
According to the correspondence, M. Biljashivsky in response to requests Hrushevsky tried to give the most complete information collected in archive descriptive and statistical data.
21 Mar 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Ilovajskij D. Time of Troubles the Moscow State" (1895).
Ilovajskij stood on the same ground mainly state history, which were Karamzin and Solovyov, in opposition to the direction that so clearly exposed Kostomarov and the new Ukrainian school.
19 Mar 2017 New article on archeology
Published review "Karahodeuashkh Mound" (1897).
Excavated in 1888 by Caucasian archaeologist Mr. Felitsyn grave Karahodeuashh near Crimean village gave not robbed rich burial in stone chambers.
17 Mar 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collection of articles "Die ukrainische Frage in historisher Entwicklung» (Wien: 1915). |
15 Mar 2017 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
I report that finally finished with the doctorate. In the case of our university again risen terrible ruckus among Poles, especially between wszechpolaki. (Dec 18, 1912. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
13 Mar 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Realpolitik on Galician soil" (1911).
Even less can praise such tactics lightheaded sacrifice basic principles of national life, national or social programs for avoidance nasty conflict.
11 Mar 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Penates" (1910).
Religion of God changed to religion of God-man, followed by a religion of man or religion of humanity… – began again predict Trofim Ivanovich.
9 Mar 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo of house in Kyiv (1909). |
7 Mar 2017 New article on ethnography
Published review "F.G.Mischenko. Russian Ethnography Herodotus" (1897).
On the field Herodotus’ ethnography and geography is still a lot of work, and we can only wish that our esteemed compatriot, bothering to so many of Herodotus, and then would work in this field.
5 Mar 2017 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "Materials for the dictionary of ancient language written on the monuments" (1896).
We note the continued issue of this valuable publication, already discussed in detail in the pages of "Proceedings" (Vol V, Bibliography); its plan and structure remained unchanged.
3 Mar 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "N.F.Petrovsky. Ancient Arab roadsters" (1895).
Unfortunately, Mr. Petrovsky limited though only on sources of Arab geographers, without going into the matter of fixing their topographical nomenclature.
1 Mar 2017 New article on archeology
Published review "V.M.Florinsky. Primitive Slavs on monuments of prehistoric life" (1897).
The author built himself a theory that the culture remains on the whole space from the Black Sea and ending Mongolia belong to the Slavs.
27 Feb 2017 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of letter to Panas Myrny (1914). |
25 Feb 2017 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
I know only that influenced the negotiations Poles leading with Presidium our Club, conceives manifest certain vacillation in puncto tactics, that is obstruction. (Jan 19, 1912. To M. Hrushevsky)
23 Feb 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Two years Galician politics" (1911).
Before the astonished eyes of the enemies become strong bench, mighty army of the Ukrainian people. Big, strong, agile, disciplined, and in fact – unpretentious, patient, full of self-sacrifice.
21 Feb 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Ancestor" (1909).
And I heard myself, through distance tens of thousands of years, this fascinated, ecstatic vision of my distant ancestor, as a miracle of culture marveled that I had to turn times without culture.
19 Feb 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with house in Kyiv (1908 – 1911). |
17 Feb 2017 New article on ethnography
Published review "Famintsyn. The ancient Aryan and ancient Semitic elements in the customs, rites, beliefs and cults of the Slavs" (1896).
Following the opening remarks of the remnants of paganism in modern life Slavs, especially eastern and southern, he risen further a isolated similar phenomenon.
15 Feb 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Russian historical bibliography" (1894).
The first volume contains the sources and articles on source studies, literature for political history of Russia, its individual regions and peoples, as well as individual provinces.
13 Feb 2017 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish article "In the seventieth anniversary of the death of Shevchenko in remembrance of him and people close to him" (1931).
This is the environment that has made Shevchenko: opened his eyes to his ability and power, realized his national role, lifted him on their shoulders as a national leader and prophet.
11 Feb 2017 New article on archeology
Published review «Dr. Lubor Niederle. Opůvodu Slovanů» (1897).
The author, did not finding causes separation of the Slavic peoples in culture, or anthropological type, sees the same reason in separating speech.
9 Feb 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page collective monograph "The Ukrainian people in its past and present" (1914). |
7 Feb 2017 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
Shakhmatov – with a compliment for the Scientific Society welcomes the idea of the Academy. Two letters from Jaroshevsky in the case poetry sent him to LNV. (Oct 15, 1911. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
5 Feb 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "For the present moment" (1911).
That lack fundamentality, simple lines, programs and tactics for the years, which I described by the facts parliamentary policy 1907 – 1908, remained its major sin to this day.
3 Feb 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Night" (1909).
The crowd of men flowed endlessly from opened doors with banners, fans, crosses, lights, images that in twilight took fantastic shape and form.
1 Feb 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with house in Kyiv (1907 – 1908). |
31 Jan 2017 New article on ethnography
Published review «Zbiór wiadomości do antropologii krajowej» (1896).
It is about excavations in Bilche-Zolote, which seemed double cemetery, two layers of the ground, one on the second.
29 Jan 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Partytsky Omelian. Of ancient history of Galicia" (1895).
We are inclined low to conscientious and tireless work of the author, his commitment to science, but in the interest of same science suggest author in the future somewhat change methods of his studies.
27 Jan 2017 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "E.V.Petuhov. Letters Nikolai Gogol to N.Ya.Prokopovich (1832 – 1850)" (1897).
Mr. Petukhov published these letters, really important for biography of Gogol, again in this brochure about the institute’s anniversary.
25 Jan 2017 New article on archeology
Published review "D. V. Notes about the hillforts-majdan (squares)" (1897).
The author believes that this method has taken Russia by Turkic nomads, because Maidan longer occurs in the territory of the former nomads.
23 Jan 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page book "Illustrated history of Ukraine" (1913, in Russian language). |
21 Jan 2017 New about Ivan Dzhydzhora
Published next 5 letters I. Dzhydzhora to M. Hrushevsky.
I want to reside somewhere in the countryside, so can finish my work, it is the next part is written almost exclusively on the basis of the documents that I collected. (Oct 18, 1910. To M. S. Hrushevsky)
19 Jan 2017 New publicistic collection
In the section "Publicistics" started publishing the collection "Our policy" (1911).
Two years Galician policy / Realpolitik on Galician soil / "Small businesses" / Dawn of the financial and economic / From our cultural life
17 Jan 2017 New story
In the section "Fiction" published the story "Majestic matchmaker" (189).
1. Student Hrycko planned to go Sich / 2. Archpriest Kirill and his daughter Anastasia / 3. Hrycko visiting Father Cyril / 4. Hrycko runs on Sich / 5. Anastasia grieved for Hrytsko
15 Jan 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with house in Kyiv (1907 – 1908). |
13 Jan 2017 New article on ethnography
Published review «Vl. Iastrébow. Pains de noces rituels en Ukraine» (1896).
He starts with simple forms – "Holubets" and "Shyshka (cone)", describes a method of their making and view, then turns to "Karavaj (loaf)" and tells of its various forms.
11 Jan 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Majkov L. On the question of the "History of the Rus’" (1894).
Mr. Majkov still thinks that the story of "History of the Rus’" about Hetman so alive, the author shows in a contemporary. This thought has weight, although Vasily Poletika was close to this time.
9 Jan 2017 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we publish review "A.I.Kirpichnikov. By the literary history of Russian chronicles tales" (1897).
Mr. Kirpichnikov stop over later modifications Primary Chronicle stories in book literature, mainly the Great Russian.
7 Jan 2017 New article on archeology
Published review "A.O.Kashpar. Excavations of burial mounds in the vicinity of Simferopol" (1897).
At the last archaeological congress in Riga prof. Kulakovski, on the basis of such multi-storey graves too, designed to call this type Cimmerian one.
5 Jan 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page book "Illustrated history of Ukraine" (1913). |
3 Jan 2017 Annual report published
Annual report of the website «Mikhailo Hrushevsky» for the 2016 year is published – 178 thousands visitors.
1 Jan 2017 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters without definite dates.
Gerasymchuk not fulfilled promises and was not present in the dean’s office. Please tell him to dire come to understand with me. (By Ivan Dzhydzhory)