4th quarter 2017
31 Dec 2017 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1903.
Thank you very much, dear Fedor Kondratievich, for arranging the case with the lectures. In this school years, lonely time is right for me – this is only the second half of the April (Late March 1903. To F. Vovk)
29 Dec 2017 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph article "At the turn" (1918). |
27 Dec 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Ukrainian Debate" (1913).
We will not be reminded of the motives that brought the representatives of the Cadet Party to such a realtive energetic performance in the Ukrainian cause.
25 Dec 2017 New review
Published "Review of the journals 1899, part 2".
Byzantine periodical. Russian Philological Bulletin. Antiquities
23 Dec 2017 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review "Materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language on written monuments" (1898).
At one time there were news of the first four issues of this very valuable publication, now we mark the fifth issue containing the letter "O".
21 Dec 2017 New article on ethnography
We publish review «La Mytologie Slave» (1904).
The author speaks, in truth, to a fairly superficial scientist, and people familiar with the scientific literature, will take a little advantage from the book of the French Slavic.
19 Dec 2017 New about V. Lipinsky
We publish next 3 letters V. Lipinsky to M. Hrushevsky.
Studios about Drevinsky will not send to the book "Proceedings", but to the next – the autumn. (April 25, 1913. To M. Hrushevsky)
17 Dec 2017 New article on archeology
We publish review "Dr. Lubor Niederle. Mankind in prehistoric times" (1898).
In general, the course is very rich in facts and material, but it lacks clarity, transparency of the image of evolution and its differences.
15 Dec 2017 New about V. Doroshenko
We publish next 5 letters V. Doroshenko to M. Hrushevsky.
"Rada" wrote about my review about the truth – so it is, because I did not have time to give anything else, Vis major! The print is a bit of an index to Franko. (April 22, 1914. To M. Hrushevsky)
13 Dec 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published unfinished short story "[Associate Professor]" (1891).
The Tsar sent a telegram to Mrs. Shtange expressing condolences and a short compliment to the merits of her deceased husband.
11 Dec 2017 New about F. Vovk
We publish next 5 letters F. Vovk to M. Hrushevsky.
My course could be titled: Anthropology and ethnography of Ukraine, because I think that the first 4readings should be given to the anthropological characteristics of the Ukrainian people. (May 9, 1904. To M. Hrushevsky)
9 Dec 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo house in Moscow (1931 – 1934). |
7 Dec 2017 New about Nicholas Biljashivsky
Published next 5 letters N. Biljashivsky to M. Hrushevsky.
There is not enough time on the Chronicle, not to mention that there is absolutely no time at all for some larger scientific work. (January 25, 1900, to M. Hrushevsky)
5 Dec 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Dictionary of the Little Russian Antiquities, compiled in 1808 by V.Ya. Lomikovsky" (1895).
Published under the written here title Dictionary Lomikovsky contains an orderly alphabetical explanation, mainly the names of posts Hetmanate and government terminology.
3 Dec 2017 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1902.
At the beginning, I think, pace your article about Khvojka’s excavations – offered to the last congress. To issue it as the fastest – this is the abstract of the general Ukrainian archeology. (August 25, 1902. To F. Vovk)
1 Dec 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of brochure "Ukraine and Russia: negotiations towards a new order (July – August 1917)" (Kyiv, 1917) |
29 Nov 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Parents and children" (1913).
What is dropped in the sphere of spiritual life, social and cultural interests in youth hours, of course, comes to an empty place, not rewarded and later.
27 Nov 2017 New review
Published "Review of the journals 1899, part 1".
University news. Notes of Kharkov University
25 Nov 2017 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review "Chr.Loparev. Experience in the interpretation of certain places in the monuments of Old Russian writing" (1898).
In the second note the author proves that there is no hint that Gregory, mentioned in the "Epistle" of Klim Smolyatich, was born in Smolensk.
23 Nov 2017 New article on ethnography
We publish review "Professor I. N. Smirnov. The significance of the Ural-Altaic tribes in the formation of the history of the Russian people" (1903).
The main goal of the article is to bring down the views of "Ukrainian historians", which are contrasted with "turannized, mongolized Russian namelessly pure Slavs, Little Russians."
21 Nov 2017 New about V. Lipinsky
We publish next 5 letters V. Lipinsky to M. Hrushevsky.
Today they sent me an appeal from Kiev in the matter of a monthly magazine that they want to issue in Kyiv like "Ukr. life". (Feb 5, 1913. To M. Grushevsky)
19 Nov 2017 New article on archeology
We publish review «Materyały antropologiczno-archeologiczne i etnograficzne» (1898).
The author comes to the conclusion that this gentry has, therefore, expressive signs of its native origin, in common with the local Ukrainian people.
17 Nov 2017 New about V. Doroshenko
We publish next 5 letters V. Doroshenko to M. Hrushevsky.
I have a great hunt to write to the Messenger an article about Shchegolev’s book "The Ukrainian Movement as a Modern Stage of South-Russian Separatism." (Dec 28, 1912. To M. Hrushevsky)
15 Nov 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published unfinished short story "Billion" (1880-s).
We do not need a lovers of boiled doughs, but true supporters will take up work – both for work really, without looking at the "circumstances" and "bad times."
13 Nov 2017 New about F. Vovk
We publish next 5 letters F. Vovk to M. Hrushevsky.
As you see, I need only more hands to use with very good material, and not throw it, just split up. (September 25, 1903. To M. Hrushevsky)
11 Nov 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo building of historical institutions in Kyiv (1927 – 1931). |
9 Nov 2017 New about Nicholas Biljashivsky
Published next 5 letters N. Biljashivsky to M. Hrushevsky.
While I’m in Warsaw, try to rewrite what you need. My deputy seems to be Evgeny Degen. (Jun 10, 1898. To M. Hrushevsky)
7 Nov 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "Essays, notes and documents on the history of Little Russia Al. Lazarevsky. II" (1895).
Articles, notes, reviews are closely connected with each other by the unity of the subject – Ukraine, almost exclusively – the left-bank Hetmanate.
5 Nov 2017 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1902.
Against this, the case of participation in the congress was no longer discussed, and, obviously, the Society will not have participation in it, at least. (June 9, 1902. To M. Biljashivsky)
3 Nov 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of brochure "Ukrainian Central Rada and its wagon" (Kyiv, 1917) |
1 Nov 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "In the Balkan Intermission" (1912).
The Balkan Governments could not do anything against the spontaneous military impulse and had to go at the will of their peoples, so as not to put the very existence of their dynasties on the card.
31 Oct 2017 New review
Published "Review of the journals of 1898".
Warsaw University herald. Proceedings of the Yuryev University. Proceedings of Kazan University. Byzantine periodical.
29 Oct 2017 New literary article
In the section "Literary studies" published the review "Statistical information on preserved old Russian books 11th-14th centuries and their index, a message of N.V. Volkov" (1898).
The most important drawback is the complete lack of motivation for assigning manuscripts to a specific time.
27 Oct 2017 New article on ethnography
We publish review "N. Korobka. Spring game-song "Vorotar" and songs about Prince Roman" (1900).
In my opinion, despite some difficulties in a detailed interpretation, it is more plausible to link the legends of Roman with Roman Galitsky.
25 Oct 2017 New about V. Lipinsky
We publish next 5 letters V. Lipinsky to M. Hrushevsky.
Do you think it is worth sending one copy of the book to Mr. Vadim Modazalevsky, as the reason for the further volumes of his "Maloross. pedigree"? (August 29, 1912. To M. Hrushevsky)
23 Oct 2017 New article on archeology
We publish review "V. B. Antonovich. Archaeological map of the Kiev province" (1898).
He collected information from printed sources – scientific literature and journals, from his own unpublished diaries, and from unpublished information privately collected by him.
21 Oct 2017 New about V. Doroshenko
We publish next 5 letters V. Doroshenko to M. Hrushevsky.
When you recall, I invite for Herald one employee from London and you agreed he should write short articles on English topics. (April 12, 1912 to M. Hrushevsky)
19 Oct 2017 New short story
In the section "Fiction" published the short story "Convertite Alexander" (1917).
I was not baptized with goodwill, the Cossacks christened me. A lot of ours were baptized and then again became Jews, and I do not want to be a Christian.
17 Oct 2017 New about F. Vovk
We publish next 5 letters F. Vovk to M. Hrushevsky.
I would really need a map of Wieliczko. If there is something, send yours so far and write to which bookseller geographic maps are sold here? (Early Sep 1903. To M. Hrushevsky)
15 Oct 2017 New memorial place of M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's memorial places is replenished with photo of bureau Academy of sciences in Kyiv (1924 – 1931). |
13 Oct 2017 New about Nicholas Biljashivsky
Published next 5 letters N. Biljashivsky to M. Hrushevsky.
I send with this a long-awaited review on the "Proceedings" of the Moscow Congress. Print this, but as you can still wait, I will soon send a review to the "Proceedings" of the Vilna Congress. (Nov 26, 1897. To M. Hrushevsky)
11 Oct 2017 New article on history
In the section "Historical works" published a review "The petition of the centurions of the Chernigov regiment about Cossack grievances, submitted to Empress Elizabeth in 1744" (1895).
He fairly uplifted here the important and encouraging fact that the infringement of the Cossacks and commoners on the part of the officers found opposition and protest among the very same, although the lowest officers.
9 Oct 2017 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1898.
Frequent appearance is a very important thing. Therefore, I would advise not to expand volumes that would come out once in a few years, but to issue more frequent notebooks-half volumes. (Nov 10, 1898. To F. Vovk)
7 Oct 2017 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with cover of brochure "Who are the Ukrainians and what they want?" (Kyiv, 1917) |
5 Oct 2017 New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" published the article "Separation of the Kholmshchyna" (1912).
The nationalist circles did not cease to pursue the implementation of the Kholm project as an act of poeticism against the memory of Stolypin.
3 Oct 2017 New about V. Lipinsky
We publish next 5 letters V. Lipinsky to M. Hrushevsky.
About confiscation of your brochure read, as exactly the last Black Hundred attacks on you. It’s very admirable and it’s hard to see our eternal tension and the struggle for two fronts. (May 19, 1912. To M. Hrushevsky)
1 Oct 2017 New about V. Doroshenko
We publish next 5 letters V. Doroshenko to M. Hrushevsky.
In Hnatyuk’s opinion, it is generally necessary to reform the money management in the Society in such a way that the bookshop will cover itself (which is not now). (Jan 17, 1912. To M. Hrushevsky)