2nd quarter 2014
29 Jun 2014 New monument to M.Hrushevsky
The gallery of monuments to Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with photo of monument in Lviv (1994). |
27 Jun 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the next 5 poems (1883).
25 Jun 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published the third part of the article "A few of spiritual verses of Galicia" (1896).
23 Jun 2014 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we continue to publish a collection of "Excerpts from sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus' up to half of XI century" (1895). Today – the next 3 chapters, including "17. Masoudi."
Abul-Hasan Al Masoudi lived in the 1st half of X century, was a merchant, traveled all ages, but this did not prevent him reserve by himself many writings.
21 Jun 2014 New index
The alphabetic index of M. S. Hrushevsky's works is now published.
19 Jun 2014 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of "Literary and scientific bulletin" (1898, № 1) and the first page of the story "Noble natchmaker". |
17 Jun 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 6 letters of 1912.
Personally, I do not have much time now to journalism, but in the principle, of course, admit the need in Kyiv newspaper favorably tuned for Ukrainians. (20 Sep 1912, to S. O. Efremov)
15 Jun 2014 New publicistic article
June 15, 2014 (today) – in the Ukraine national mourning for the heroes, dead in the battles against Russian invasion. Glory to heroes!
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Unbelievable" (1907).
One would hope that the committee without feeling any danger of Ukrainian word and realizing the great detriment of its prohibition will hasten to abolish restrictions.
13 Jun 2014 New novel
The section "Prose" is replenished with the novel "Strange and his" (1885).
And these ukrainophiles – they want to break, destroy this kingdom, give it at the mercy of the Germans and every enemy, they are enemies not only Russians, they are enemies all over the Slavic…
11 Jun 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the next 5 poems (1883).
9 Jun 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we continue to publish an article "Songbook of early 18 cent. from Galicia" (1896). Today – the next 10 songs.
7 Jun 2014 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we continue to publish a collection of "Excerpts from sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus' up to half of XI century" (1895). Today – the next 3 chapters, including "14. Treaties of Prince Oleg with Byzantium."
The oldest native historical sources there are the conditions established by Byzantine with Princes of Kiev, that preserved in Slavonic translation of the Greek (often inaccurate) in the Primary Chronicle.
5 Jun 2014 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of letter to C. Bilylovsky (November 1897). |
3 Jun 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 6 letters of 1911.
Copies of reprints, which will be issued to every probability, I say send to you, as you want; exactly the same if you wanted to get some money now due to fee. (Jun 27, 1911, to O. Kobyljanska)
1 Jun 2014 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Topic of the day" (1907).
Publication for the people about modern life in available to them Ukrainian llanguage absolutely not allowed – they can go out and apply only as contraband.
31 May 2014 New novel
The section "Prose" is replenished with second half of the novel "The Lost Age" (1884).
E, there is my song finished… Please open window, – said Petrus, pause a few minutes, – and it's so sad in the room.
29 May 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the next 5 poems (1883).
27 May 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" we begin to publish an article "Songbook of early 18 cent. from Galicia" (1896). Today – the first 10 songs.
25 May 2014 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we continue to publish a collection of "Excerpts from sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus' up to half of XI century" (1895). Today – the next 3 chapters, including "11. Al Baladuri (and Tabari)."
Arab historians and genealogists Abul Abbas Ahmed ibn Jabir ibn Yahiya, nicknames al Baladuri from Baghdad (born in the beginning of IX century, died 892)
23 May 2014 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
21 May 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 2 letters of 1910.
I'm very glad for your intention to create a lagre story of our society and thank you for the promise it to LNVistnyk. (21 Sep 1910, to O. Kobyljanska)
19 May 2014 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "By aqual measure" (1907).
Do not say that for Ukrainians acquaintance with Ukrainian literature and methodical study of the native language is also desirable, as Polish literature and language for Poles?
17 May 2014 New novel
The section "Prose" is replenished with first half of the novel "The Lost Age" (1884).
You, brother, caring for you wife, something stupidly visited you bellied devil, as they are very susceptible to the women, these gray-bearded fats.
15 May 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the next 5 poems (1883).
13 May 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published the second part of the article "A few of spiritual verses of Galicia" (1896).
11 May 2014 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we continue to publish a collection of "Excerpts from sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus' up to half of XI century" (1895). Today – the next 3 chapters, including "8. The Life of Stephen Surozh".
Stephen, Bishop of Surozh lived in the 2nd half of the VIII century.; miracle would happen soon after his death, this was argued also by mention of Bishop Filaret in the same miracle.
9 May 2014 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with autograph of letter to Society "Dawn" (1896) |
7 May 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 3 letters of 1909.
Your advices about "Villages" completely fair, I also accept these ideas. With your parcel has not turned out so bad. (Jun 1909, to O. Oles)
5 May 2014 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Phrases and facts" (1907).
Ukrainian separatism was created by Moscow bureaucratic politics, and make the end to it can only by making end with this policy of oppression and enslavement.
3 May 2014 New story
The section "Prose" is replenished with story "Help, God" (1884).
He started with she those talkings that were on that night, added to their new words, new expressions and regretted that only came up now and then does not guessed say.
1 May 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the next 5 poems (1883).
29 Apr 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published the first part of the article "A few of spiritual verses of Galicia" (1896).
This little collection comes from Yavorov and belonged to Yavorov's philistine Golota, and to the museum "Enlightenment" has moved from his son, a student of Russian gymnasium († 1887).
27 Apr 2014 New historical article
In the section "Historical works" published the "Preface to the 2nd volume of "Sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus'".
With the publication the original spelling completely preserves, except for capitalization and punctuation; all additions to the text placed in horned brackets.
25 Apr 2014 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph of letter to O. Konysky (1896) |
23 Apr 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 3 letters of 1908.
I ask you to send me without delay your article about Antonovich, we must conceive at these days prepare book of memoirs dedicated Antonovich. (Aug 1908, to Ivan Dzhydzhora)
21 Apr 2014 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "What we look for" (1907).
Organization of Ukrainian regional Diet and related offices of managment and control with great competence in local legislation, in managing local finance.
19 Apr 2014 New story
The section "Prose" is replenished with story "The spirit of the new year" (1883).
Spirit flew over the great city suburb. Blizzard showered him with snow and icicles has attached to his eyebrows, but the spirit was flying bravely.
17 Apr 2014 New verses
In the section "Poetry" published the first 5 poems (1882).
15 Apr 2014 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published the article "Ukrainian dramas at this year's competition of Galician regional board" (1896).
First place on integrity, efficiency and poetic impression, we believe, takes a historical drama in five acts "Bright stars" by V.Chaychenko.
13 Apr 2014 New historical work
In the section "Historical works" we continue to publish a collection of "Excerpts from sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus' up to half of XI century" (1895). Today – the next 3 chapters, including "5. Jordan."
Jordan was born in a barbaric people assimilated by Goths (maybe Alan) and served by the notary in one Gothic prince Guntig, lived to the east of the Eastern Empire.
11 Apr 2014 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with first page of autograph of letter to F.Vovk (first half 1895) |
9 Apr 2014 New research article
The article "Belletristic heritage of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky" by G. Burlaka (2011) is now published.
What literary heritage Grushevkiy will be a considerable amount, was a surprise even for professionals well versed with the legacy of the Great Ukrainian.
7 Apr 2014 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1908.
Given the circumstances you clarified, I will gladly agreefor new preparation of script for the story "On Sunday I dug potion" you paid 20 crowns on the sheet. (22 Aug 1908, to O. Ju. Kobyljanska)
5 Apr 2014 New memoir
In the section "Memoirs. Diary" published article "How was I once a novelist?" (1925).
New wave of desire to write came to my after the first revolution, including new developments and extremely diverse, burning disturbing activities that I drove both in Kyiv and Lviv.
3 Apr 2014 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "On the maturity and immaturity" (1907).
National equality and autonomy – is not a reward for hard work and success, but a means of cultural and social development, the key to continued success.
1 Apr 2014 New prosaic work
In the "Fiction" section we finished to publish the first edition of travel essays "By the World" (1908). Today – the last 4 chapters.
Over the Naples gulf – on Sorrento Peninsula, dotted with cities, towns, villas with magnificent panoramas, all new on each twisting of road, with the mountain tops, rich landscapes.