4th quarter 2013
31 Dec 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1907.
The book of LNV expected to finish on this week, the correct of remaining items will not send – here on the place we make them for speed. (Apr 1907, to I. Franko)
29 Dec 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with "Speech at the celebration Shevchenko in Lviv in 1896."
No! Arise, call us Kobzar. He has survived among very hard circumstances, expiated inhuman punishment his words of protest, finding almost no echo to his poetry, did not lose faith and energy.
27 Dec 2013 New prosaic work
In the "Fiction" section we begin to publish the first edition of travel essays "By the World" (1908). Today – the first 5 chapters.
This is the land that gives us in return for this crude product from wood to imperial recruit inclusive, every cultural good – though of course the latter variety.
25 Dec 2013 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published review "N.Dashkevich. The question of literary source of Kotliarevsky's Ukrainian opera "Moskal–charivnyk" (1894).
Comparing Kotliarevsky's opera to the French prototype, Dashkevych proves that Kotliarevsk's intrigue translated not as simple and natural as in Anseom.
23 Dec 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with the last 6 chapters of the article "The economic situation of the peasants in the Dniester Galician in mid-XVI century, based on descriptions of king's estates" (1896).
I drew attention above that the Rohatyn region oftenly encounter escapes of peasants, that led the administration even in such extreme steps like punishment to death for try to escape.
21 Dec 2013 New photo of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The portrait gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with photo of 1905. |
19 Dec 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1907.
Manuscripts for LNV no longer sends for hope I soon to be in Lviv, but prepare to my arrival article about Carducci, and a second for some social topics as we arrange. (5 Mar 1907, to I. Franko)
17 Dec 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Relief for the writers" (1894).
Main mass of literary works or not paid at all or paid to the very low extent, that there is nothing to compare it with just paid.
15 Dec 2013 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published an article "Trifle with Russian literature" (1893).
As dark russian peasant, Ukrainian at all, and closer – Ukrainian intellectuals can not understand something human, universal beauty can not hit them, it is necessary for them to slap something after above cited recipe.
11 Dec 2013 Revolution – as revolution, but news – as sheduled
The section "Historical works" is replenished with the first 6 chapters of the article "The economic situation of the peasants in the Dniester Galician in mid-XVI century, based on descriptions of king's estates" (1896).
We see in all that in Terebovlja county for not too large a time where maybe ten years, a very significant increase in the tax after steps of starosta.
10 Dec 2013 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with title page of edition "Archive of southwestern Russia" (1893, Part 8, Vol. 1). |
9 Dec 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1906.
At one time you stated willingness to give us Bukovina correspondence, and now I'm could assign place for this – one book of Historical Library. (10 Nov 1906, to O. Makovej)
7 Dec 2013 New article on literature
In the section "Literary studies" published an article "For the anniversary of Ivan Kotljarevsky. Desiderata" (1894).
1. Value of Kotljarevsky's creativity. / 2. The views of critics on Kotljarevsky. / 3. Kotljarevsky's impact on Ukrainian literature. / 4. Kotljarevsky's contribution to the development of language.
5 Dec 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "The first anniversary of the Russian Constitution" (1906).
Russia faces a dilemma: either to follow the path of anarchy and decay, or after fatigue and apathy intermission take with new energy to update the state and social order.
3 Dec 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Two documents from the internal history of Great Duchy Lithuanian XVI century" (1896).
The document have interest first of all for the figures of princes Slutsky, this offspring of the Prince Olelko Vladimirovich of Kiev, and, in fact, his son Michael.
1 Dec 2013 New edition of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
29 Nov 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1906.
For the second number editors (to which I came in) asks from you for not very long, 3-4 page format "Vistnyk " – an article on the current policy challenges and competitions of Austrian Ukraine. (15 – 20 May 1906, to I. Franko)
27 Nov 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "After Duma" (1906).
For obtaining financial loan in Western bourgeois russian rulers decided to decorate the old bureaucratic system with gently constitutional scenery.
25 Nov 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Several documents from Kiev XV-XVI century" (1896).
Charts are material to the history of creation privileged noble strata among community without class delimitation.
23 Nov 2013 New portrait of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The portrait gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with work by L. Loboda (1988). |
21 Nov 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1905.
I kindly ask you to remind for printout of the "Kiev responces" that should be released. While receiving divide, as I wrote from Yalta, and send it to me as soon as possible. (Oct 19.1905, to S. Efremov)
19 Nov 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Agrarian question" (1906).
It was hard to guess what on our eyes cry "Land and Freedom" from the secret will become a common slogan shouting, will be adopted as the program for the peasantry, adopted by the peasantry itself.
17 Nov 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Permission King Sigismund for customs officer Petrashko the transfer village Krohulets to Kamjanec governor Gregory in 1509" (1896).
This governor bacame a land owner, gets from the father-in-law – Kamjanec customs officer Petrashko – village Krohulets.
15 Nov 2013 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with an autograph of verses "I fly to thee…""Oh don't drinked wine…" (1885). |
13 Nov 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1905.
It is my idea, too – should give peace with "Kiev replies" when you can deal with "Kiev newspaper" and try to establish instant relations with the last. (26 Sep – 10 Oct 1905, to S. Efremov)
11 Nov 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Duma and the national question" (1906).
Group of autonomists must go to this direction – achieving rights for all non-state nations and autonomy as a general principle.
9 Nov 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Honcharyha" (1896).
Honcharyha barrow was limiting point for four provinces – Kiev, Volhynia, Podillja and Bratslav. So a detailed definition of it on a map have certain interest.
7 Nov 2013 New photo of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The portrait gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with photo of 1930. |
5 Nov 2013 Cooperation with e-archive
According to the agreement with our website will be periodically copied to this archive.
We consider this as a recognition of our work.
3 Nov 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1905.
Given the current critical times I would visit Kiev, and perhaps in St. Petersburg, so thinking instead of west go to east, to the Crimea. (Aug 29 1905, to S. Efremov)
1 Nov 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "In the State Duma" (1906).
Thanks the behaviour of government that tirelessly drove society the revolution, the Duma became through opposition.
31 Oct 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Preface to the 1st volume of "Sources for the history of Ukraine-Rus'" (1895).
Shevchenko Scientific Society, without regard to its small yet tangible assets, in the fall 1894 adopt the project of edition archaeographic materials.
29 Oct 2013 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with an autograph of verses "Did I lie down late…", "Between those eyes without number…", "How to you keep going…" (1885). |
27 Oct 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1905.
The incident quite vividly illustrates the miserable situation of the Ukrainian question in Kiev, among the owns, and the need for otherwise action. The edition – Russian – is burning need. (Before Jul 18, 1905, to E. Efremov)
25 Oct 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Among the ukrainian ambassadors of the russian duma" (1906).
Meanwhile, the Duma to pass through all sorts of formalities draft law on personal immunity, all sorts of rapid-fire courts sentenced to death freely, inviolable citizens.
23 Oct 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Notes to the text of Galicia-Volyn chronicle" (1895).
At present time I give some comments to the text of Galicia-Volyn chronicle after publication in 1871 (Chronicles by Ipatski codex, St. Petersburg).
21 Oct 2013 New photo of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The portrait gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with photo of 1929. |
19 Oct 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1905.
I do not know if you feel the possibility of the union of Russian bureaucracy with Polish nobles with full ignoration of Ukrainian question? (2 June 1905, to S. Efremov)
17 Oct 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "New frontier" (1906).
In any case taxing of Ukrainian books quite contrary to the clear text of tax law, therefore, is against the terms and against these things shall be exalted protest from all concerned.
15 Oct 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Granting Kopysteryn and Gaisin for Oryshevsky" (1895).
It is shown that these "wilderness" had already rulers before – Kopysteryn belonged to Dahno Kopysterynsky and Gaisin – to Matthew Mizinizinko (obviously – Myzynchenko).
13 Oct 2013 New autograph of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky's autographs and editions is replenished with an autograph of story "Day" (1885). |
11 Oct 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 5 letters of 1905.
I should soon to get audit text of my "Essays", so I would ask you to send not later May 15 (old style) those sheets that you have reviewed so far, for which I thank you very much. (May 16 1905, to S. Efremov)
9 Oct 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Polish-Ukrainian motives" (1906).
Polish university youth against the сompetition Ukrainian нouth to recognition rights of the Ukrainian language referred to government laws and orders.
7 Oct 2013 New historical article
The section "Historical works" is replenished with article "Praise the Grand Duke Vytautas" (1895).
It was occasionly found out, from what source "Praise" came out and together becomes clear and it restless position within the chronicle. For this I want to draw attention in this article.
5 Oct 2013 New photo of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky
The portrait gallery of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is replenished with photo of 1910. |
3 Oct 2013 New letters by M.Hrushevsky
In the section «M.Hrushevsky's correspondence» published 4 letters of 1904.
Now board decided to give you all the listed books for you gratis, given your disinterested cooperation with "Vistnyk" in previous years. (27 Nov 1904, to S. Efremov)
1 Oct 2013 New publicistic article
The section "Publicistics" is replenished with article "Self-denial of little-russians" (1906).
These words on "self-denial of little-russians" so characteristic in this mouth so that they can be used as an epigraph to put the whole later history of Russian policy toward Ukraine.