3rd quarter 2019
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "More about the harvest" (1909).
Indeed, it is strange that in Russia, where most of the people live in the field of agriculture, there is no separate bank to care for the farmer, would lend him money for bread, and in other cases he would be helpful.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Historya piechoty polskiej» (1897).
The author sought completely new materials – mainly registers and accounts of expenditures on the army, and because of this he was able to submit a set of fresh and interesting information to the organization of the army in Poland.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "The Law of faith freedom" (1909).
Now, as news emerges that the government has taken the laws of the faith from the Duma, they fear that dealing with these laws on freedom of religion will last long.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "N.I. Petrov. Kyiv church of Nativity Forerunner or st. Boris and Gleb" (1897).
Monograph bt prof. Petrov represents probably a complete body of news about the st. Boris and Gleb church from historical literature, supplemented by excerpts from the church archive.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Educational societies and circles" (1909).
It is necessary for our people to take care of themselves: to get a reading room, to buy a book in the fold, to prescribe a newspaper; from the world on a penny – you can make a good reading room.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we finish publishing "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the section «XXII. The last decades" and appendices.
The censorship and administrative repression that the Ukrainian movement in Russia underwent in 1863 weakened somewhat in the early 1870s, and this gave some opportunity for activity.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “V. Antonovich. Some data on land ownership in southern Ukraine in the 15th century" (1897).
The greatest weight of these sketches has a section on Calaur, still known by name, but even in its area is unclear.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "On workers’ unions" (1909).
What italian workers’ unions had achieved – our workers can achieve too when they unite in labor unions.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including «31. The current state of Ukrainians in Russia.
Huge land, has the makings of a significant development of the factory industry.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Michał Rolle. Z przeszłości. Okręg rowski – starostwo barskie (do r[oku] 1774)» (1897).
These two extracts provided the author with a very large stock of information on land ownership and the history of single sediments of the county.
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New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "About the harvest" (1909).
And only the Zemstvo of Valujki (in the Voronezh province) is doing well here: it has taken on this loan from the State Bank 300 thousand and for many years it has been lending to peasants for bread.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including "XXVIII. Ukrainian Revival in Russia".
The use of this vernacular was not interrupted throughout the eighteenth century. It was approached for practical reasons, in the interests of ease understanding for the common people.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review "L. Padalka. On the question of the time of foundation city Poltava" (1897).
Mr. Padalka’s article can be divided into two parts; the first deals with the issue, it is possible to assume the existence of Poltava in ancient period, the second brings information about it from the XVII century.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Workers’ associations" (1909).
If their statutes depend in administration, one should reminded of them, already established societies support in every way possible, and new ones submit for approval in place of the closed ones.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including “XXV. Right-Bank Ukraine".
Moscow’s efforts to leave the right-bank Dnieper in a desert state were unsuccessful. Turkey did not agree to this demand when ratifying the treaty in 1681.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “M.Dovnar-Zapolsky. From the history of the Lithuanian-Polish struggle for Volyn (treaties of 1366)” (1897).
By a detailed analysis of the separate agreement, he proves that it does not stand in any contradiction with the general one, and specifically – the borders of the possessions of Casimir and Lyubart are not different, but agree with the general agreement.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Hundred years of Finland" (1909).
They started to teach Finnish in schools in villages where there are more Finnish people, and in the cities where they are more accustomed to Swedish – as if not in Finnish, then learn at least Finnish language and litereture.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including "ХХІІ. Mazepa’s uprising and the first abolition of Hetmanate".
For this, Mazepa’s political step was fueled by an unprecedented and extraordinary act. But in fact, in this act of Mazepa and his associates there was nothing extraordinary, nothing new.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review «Die Entstehung der ältesten russischen sogennanten Nestorchronіk» (1897).
The author in fact had the purpose of critically examining the chronicle, but this goal completely went to the background in the narrative about Olga, Svyatoslav and his campaign.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Force – in a union" (1909).
The peasants, leading such a society – though this is a business, and not cunningly-wise, recruits a lot of intelligence, are accustomed to clerical work, reckoning and accustom their children.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including "XIX. Troubles of 1660-1680s."
In the 1660’s, as we have seen, Ukraine formally divided. Right Bank received own hetman, left bank – its own; the first under the rule of Poland, the second – under the supremacy of Moscow.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “A. Dimitriu. On the issue of the treaties of the Russians with the Greeks” (1897).
His conclusion is that out of the three treaties that we have in the chronicle under 907, 912, 945, only from 944 we have a contract that was drafted and approved in accordance with the requirements of diplomatic practice.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "Monument to Shevchenko" (1909).
Several years ago, the permission was issued to collect the folds on this monument. The place was chose in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, here is a committee that collects money for a monument across all regions.
New popular work
In the section "Popular works" we continue to publish "An outline history of the Ukrainian people" (1904). Today – the next 3 sections, including "XVI. Khmelnytsky’s war".
Bohdan Khmelnytsky was descended from the small landlord’s family in Chygyryn county; he acquired a fairly good education for his time, has long served in the Cossack army and has achieved outstanding significance in it.
New article on history
In the section "Historical works" we publish a review “Khr. M. Loparev. Old evidence of the position of the robe of the virgin in Vlakherny” (1897).
Academician Vasilyevsky spoke out against the theory of Mr. Loparev with very important arguments in the defense of the old point of view that the “Word” really belongs to the 7th, not the 9th century.
New publicistic article
In the section "Publicistics" we publish the article "To our readers" (1909).
We ask readers to read ourselves and to give and to encourage others: let the newspaper go from hand to hand, from house to house, to our people and to our whole world, to our Ukrainian for the benefit.